
    Here is the slightly altered Dragon. This is the one from above, I photoshopped the Shield in with the Icelandic Flag on the shield. I hope that is what you meant for the flag on the shield. Anyways, it is just a quick go at what you meant, with photoshop. From there we can work on a seperate sketch to fit your needs more if you like.



    Morning guys.

    Been traveling this weekend and been AFK, so I haven’t been able to get back to you.


    Thanks a bunch for those links. I had never heard of Ice Dragons before but I am loving the concept and I think choosing an Ice Dragon would be even more befitting for the whole Icelander theme. The Wax Dragon is, as you say, probably an awesome tattoo (not for me, but awesome none the less). I like the bebo.com dragon and the epilogue.net one is really fierce.. although perhaps a tad Alien’ish ๐Ÿ™‚

    Do you know if there is some specific meaning behind the Ice Dragons, or is it just a character from a book?


    I really like the altered picture, and it’s more or less what I’m thinking of. The dragon would need some changes to fit my needs, perhaps standing a bit more to make it taller than wide, depending on where I would choose to fit the tattoo. It would also need to be more fierce and changed to a male. It looks too feminine for me. And after Sherav’s links, I think I need to consider turning it into an Ice Dragon, on a snow-peaked mountain perhaps. The shield is exactly the concept that I had pictured.

    Since the tattoo is now too big to fit an arm, I will need to really go back to the drawing board with the whole thing. I can’t have a back-piece at this point in my life, being in no position to get help with it, and if it needs to go that big I think I’d probably want to add some more elements to it (warriors standing below it with weapons raised?) to fill the back. More thinking and planning required. I guess this drawing will need to hit the back-burner now and be revisited in a year or two.

    Thanks for all your help guys. I’ll more than likely ask you for advice for whatever I decide to put on my arm, instead of this one ๐Ÿ™‚


    Good deal bud, we will see what else we can come up with. When I do my actual sketch, I will see if we can get the flag pattern to look more as if it is engraved in the shield as you described earlier. I’ll take a look at the 2 dragons you mentioned that sherav pointed you to, and see if we can work on them from there.


    Hi Arni

    There are some Norse legends about Ice Wyrms but they have become pretty mainstream in much of the fantasy genre.

    Take Care


    You could always have a thigh piece!

    Sherav;48298 wrote:
    You could always have a thigh piece!

    Very true, sir, but the whole start of the process was that I thought I’d like to have my upper arm tattooed. Having something else tattooed will not quench the thirst as well and I’ll still be mooning for the arm-piece. As I don’t swim in money I think I will at least have to give some thought to a new design before moving onto the thigh, because another one of such scale will have to wait at least a year, maybe two. I’m actually getting it done by getting a loan ๐Ÿ™‚


    I told ya before, I won’t charge anything for drawing up the design, so I’ll sketch it up anyways. I’ll hit you on here with progress, and you can tell me what you would like changed. Then you can just lock it away until you decide to get it.


    Hi Arni

    Always follow the simple rule – never borrow unless it is a necessity.
    I would seriously avoid a loan for a tattoo and just keep saving.

    You are young and plenty of time no sense in getting into debt over ink.

    Take Care


    i normally always start my work around my birthday ๐Ÿ˜‰ get some money off family to get it started and then just pay the rest out to finish it :rolleyes:

    Injun;48306 wrote:
    I told ya before, I won’t charge anything for drawing up the design, so I’ll sketch it up anyways. I’ll hit you on here with progress, and you can tell me what you would like changed. Then you can just lock it away until you decide to get it.

    Not sure I noticed you saying that before, but thank you for that offer. I would like to offer my apologies right up front though. Even though I have no idea what I want, I know what I don’t want..and I voice my opinions despite them being negative, often to the chagrin of whomever I’m talking with. :S

    I am not giving up on the whole dragon tattoo though, and even before it grew to not fit my arm I was thinking I’ll need to watch Dragonheart and Harry Potter once again and take some notes and screenshots. If I find reference material that suits me, I’ll be sure to let you know.

    Sherav;48312 wrote:
    Always follow the simple rule – never borrow unless it is a necessity.

    What… tattoos aren’t necessary?

    That is an awesome rule, and one that I wish I had followed for the past 15 years. Alas, that is not the case. Almost everything I’ve done for the past 15 years had been done on credit. Do first, pay later. I owe so much money today that I’m ineligible for an apartment loan. Generally speaking, another 2-3 grand won’t do me any harm, and I’ve tried to brighten my miserable existence with stuff that I want for myself. Tattoos are only the latest and far from most expensive of the things that help me cope with life. So I allow myself to go into dept for stuff that helps me feel better in life, so I can keep working to pay off my depts ๐Ÿ˜€

    That make sense? :p

    I have, however, started turning my life around in this matter, and I do have a few grand stashed in a bank. This is money that I want to have as an “just in case” fund that I can dip into when something unexpected comes (so I don’t have to borrow any more money). I was thinking of taking out a ‘loan’ from that fund to finance the tattoo and then pay it back into the fund.

    But I guess you are right that I should rather add a couple of grand to the fund and THEN use it on a tattoo :rolleyes:

    Tana: If only I were still young enough to get cash birthday presents…. ๐Ÿ˜€

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