
    I think she got confused… But ya… the atheist symbol plus the tribal stuff around it should be pretty rad.

    Hunni Bunni

    @Hunni Bunni 30087 wrote:

    yeah, your HIM heartagram idea is sooooo much of a better idea than your atheist idea!!! youre choosing something that you really dig and love for your ink, which is the best way of going about it, because youll never regret it!!! but, try not following the whole flash band wagon thing as gettin ink should be unique to yourself, keep the idea but try and change it to suit you!!!

    kez 😀

    what is confusing about that??? would love to know which part exactly is confusing??? lol!!! 😀


    Welp here are muh 2 cents… ya ready? Alright cool read carefully…

    The 2 most unneccessary conversations anyone should ever engage in with ANYONE (this includes family too) is Politics and Religion. With that said, my boyfriend is true blue Athiest… Im not hard core religious but certainly not Athiest. I made it clear in the beginning that even though we have different views on this subject we dont shove it down each other throats and no need to ever discuss it again. Same with politics… he is one way and im another… I lied and said i didnt vote just so i wouldnt have to get into a huge discussion as to why i voted the way i did, honestly its none of his business.

    These convos will lead to bad arguements and these days could cause harm to yourself (too many crazies out there that go way over board when stickin up for their beliefs).

    If you sit on the tattoo idea and finally come to the conclusion that your gonna get it then i advise you suck up whatever ridicule and bashing against you that you may go through. People(that will be offended by it) who see that will flip out on you and Im not too sure how your gonna handle that. So keep sittin on it until you know exactly what you want and how to handle these issues that you may attract.

    Also another thing… no matter if you get the tatt or not… if you meet a lady you like then b4 it gets too serious you need to layout your views and make sure your lady either agrees with your views or disagrees but could give two shites about it and you both make it clear with eachother to keep it to yourselves. be upfront in the very beginning and never need to bring it up again.

    Life is less complicated in a relationship when you dont bring politics and religion in the mix.

    Soooo there it is… sorry bout that went off on a rant… hope you sit on this idea for a little longer and take in everyones advice and weigh it all out. Its a tad bit late but oh well no biggie, i still got to express my thoughts 😀


    Alright ty every1 for all the input! You guys have been a big help on me getting my first tat. So I just got home from the tattoo shop and set up an appointment. I will be getting it done this coming up wednesday. Heres what i’ll be getting:

    This will be across my back: http://www.tattoosymbol.com/upload/images/heartagram.jpg

    Inside the circle in the middle instead of a heartagram it’ll be this: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2379/1709802861_beeed297ee_o.png

    And instead of the little heart and star in the first pic I will be putting small heartagrams there. 😀

    Of course it wont look the same as the pic but it will hopfuly be sorta close to the first pic in the way the “tribal” stuff looks like.

    Anyways thank you all for your help and wish me luck. I’ll post a pic once it is done! 😎


    wtg… should come out real nice!!


    i got a lil rule i like to use in times like this m8

    if you have to think about something to much, then its not worth doing!


    @buzz 30521 wrote:

    i got a lil rule i like to use in times like this m8

    if you have to think about something to much, then its not worth doing!

    meh i kinda disagree. A tattoo is for life and should be thought out IMO. :rolleyes:


    Yep… I thought about getting mine for about a year then it took six months to design.


    It took me literally years to decide on my first and you wouldn,t believe how many times I got to the artisits door and walked away because I wasn’t 100% I decided like you I wouldnt do it for the sake of having one as much as I craved. And for me the decision was right to wait My advice is sleep on it a bit longer You will know when and what is right for you:)


    do what you want…at the end of the day you’ll have just as many people hating it as you will loving it, but its supposed to be for you, if you feel its too bold a statement for others to see then you will always be worried about what others are thinking, personally id hold off till you are sure you dont care about the implications.


    Yep, gotta say I really like the symbol you posted, personally I would go for that 🙂


    so has this ever happened… I wake up today and im psyched to get my tattoo… I get in my car and head to my bank and along the way I call the tattoo place and confirm the price I’m suppose to pay. The guy who is doing my tattoo gets out his sketch book and looks through it for my piece and then says “OH FUCK, uhhh I forgot that ur sketch is in my other book”…

    SO I’m pretty pissed and he notices so he said he would hook me up with a good price and that calmed me down a bit and I reschedule for next Wednesay. BUT when I hang up the phone I got to thinking and the event kinda sketched me out. I mean how the hell do you forget something like that as a tattoo artist… That stuff should be ur life. What do you guys think? Should I just say screw them, not give them bussiness, and go somewhere else? Or should I just go and get hooked up with a good price? Either way its going to take at least another week.

    Heres a link to the place I am getting it done at and the guys name is Nathan(You can view his portfolioif u want): http://www.bluebyrd.com/

    Let me know what you guys think.



    Take this from a 60 year old guy. I did stuff when I was 18 that years later I’d say to myself “What was I thinking?” Unless you’re 100% rock solid, then I wouldn’t do it. And I don’t think you ARE 100% sure because if you were, you wouldn’t ask forum members what our opinion is. This is not being critical, it’s just from the viewpoint of someone who’s seen an awful lot in his life. Things change. The tattoo world is full of people who have had things done like their husband or wive’s name put on them and then regretted in when divorce came into their lives. You’re putting something there that’s probably going to be around for another 60 or 70 years. When you’re 100% sure, you’ll definitely know it, and you won’t have to ask anyone’s opinion. I’d sleep on it for a bit. Put it on hold for 6 months or a year, or more…the earth will still be here and then think about it some more. I didn’t get my first tattoo until I was 54! 😀


    Personally I would get the symbol if I was worried about it. That way it means something to you, but it doesn’t have to mean anything to anyone else. Still, if you feel strongly about getting the lettering…maybe get it somewhere that can be covered up easily. I got my first tattoo on my 18th birthday, and I had wanted one for as long as I can remember. Something I didn’t expect was how much I liked it. I have seven now and am looking for a design for my eighth. I have a television show’s symbol (very recognizable) on my left upper arm that people see all the time. People have called me crazy for getting a television show inked on me, but I love it…the show and the tattoo. I’ve never regretted any of my tattoos and I plan on keeping them for the rest of my life, no matter what.


    In my opinion, his artwork -needs- work. Go to someone else. This guy’s line work and shading is horrible. All of his work looks very cartoon-esque. You want the linework crisp and the shading so awesome you can’t tell in a gradient where one color stops and the next one begins.

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