Love Matthews idea – it did briefly occur to me to suggest having it done both ways on top of each other but disregarded as thought it would look quite odd to have two lines of the same thing, but the drop shadow method would work and not look strange! If you had the bottom perhaps lighter in colour and slightly elongated to give the shadowed effect?
Snerkler – good point, that didn’t occur to me! I just held a mirror up to the screen over the reverse image and it is properly reversed so it reads right in the reflection but good of you to point that out – that’d have been disastrous!
Went in today and had it done, really really very pleased with it. Had nothing but positive responses from friends and i’m glad I took my time over choosing it:
Some of the text is party smudged as when I took the photo i’d only just taken the cover off it for the first time (and washed away the blood!)
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