
    the tattoo artist will wrap it up and tuck it in until you get home to wash it and make it clean and to get rid of any creams, dried blood and/or plasma…… you dont cover it up again after that point !!!!

    Outlaw;44991 wrote:
    the tattoo artist will wrap it up and tuck it in until you get home to wash it and make it clean and to get rid of any creams, dried blood and/or plasma

    I’ve seen you guys say similar before.. basically always talking about a very short time.
    However, to quote my instructions that I got from the tattooist:

    2. Remove the wrapping after 6-12 hours and clean thouroughly but carefully with water and a mild soap

    So.. would you say that 12 hours is too much?


    Listen Arni, a tattoo is an open wound. It should be treated like one. Its not a deep tissue wound, but it is still a wound.

    keeping it covered actually impedes the healing process. Bacteria grows in dark, wet, warm places. When you cover a tattoo you create a nice wet, dark and warm place for bacteria to grow. It needs to breathe to heal properly.

    Your body leaks plasma for up to 72 hours after getting your work done. The more solid color work, the greater the risk of scabbing…the more you bleed.

    You MUST clean your tattoo regularly. Every couple of hours on the first day, 3-4 times on the second day, and at least two to three times on the third day. I’m sorry if I offend anyone, but anyone who claims to be a tattooist and DOES NOT tell their client to keep the damn thing clean is an idiot, AND a hazard to your health. ie. your tattooist is an idiot.

    Second thing to understand is that your hands are the leading cause of infection with a fresh tattoo. Most people, sadly enough, don’t wash thier hands. They go to the bathroom and don’t wash their hands, and they touch the same door you do, they wipe their hands on the same tables you sit at to eat, and every time your hands touch those objects, they pick up bacteria that everyone else before them has touched, and when you, my friend, then touch your tattoo, where do you think that bacteria goes?

    If you guessed right into the new fresh wound you call a tattoo then you get a prize!!!

    So anti-bacterial soap is your best friend. Wash your hands with anti bacterial soap. Don’t just give a quick wet, soap rinse, scrub them. Scrub them good. Then rinse your hands off and lather them up again. Then wash your tattoo.

    Sorry if I offend anyone, but anyone who claims to be a tattooist and doesn’t tell you that is an idiot. IE. your tattooist is an idiot.

    You’ve already let the tattoo sit too long without taking care of it. The best you can do is keep it clean and keep something on it at all times. A&D ointment is the item of choice most everywhere. If you won’t usae something better then use that. Don’t lather it up. Light coatings is all you need, but if your tattoo is completely scabbed over right now, your just wasting your time anyway. Don’t pick the scabs, let them come off naturally, and maybe you might save the work if its worth saving.

    Sorry if this offends anyone, but anyone who goes to an idiot to get tattooed is an idiot and deserves the lesson they have earned.

    I’m not down on people who tattoo out of thier homes. If they know what they are doing, and have the skill to do it, and take care of their clients, I’m all for them. But people…like your friend, just don’t make the cut. The reason he’s in his house screwing people like you up, isn’t because the money wasn’t good enough, its because HE wasn’t good enough. Learn your lesson. The fact that you haven’t got the faintest idea how to care for your tattoo is absolute proof that he didn’t explain it to you, thus he is an idiot. The fact that we’ve already tld you where to go for information and your still here asking questions shows you haven’t taken the initiative to seek out the info yourself.

    Your on a damn computer, google HOW TO TAKE CARE OF A TATTOO and I guarantee you’ll find the answer. I’m sick of these people screwing people up, and I’m sick of people getting screwed up time and time again. When are you people going to learn?

    No not all tattoo shops put out good work. No not all tattoo shops are professionals. But I guarantee you that you can spend no more than 20 minutes in a studio and find out if they are or not. But people don’t learn. You want a tattoo so bad you’ll let anyone do it and damn the consequences.

    What is wrong with you?

    S.Neill;45001 wrote:
    Listen Arni

    I think you’re a bit confused dude…. I’m not the one with the new tattoo.

    ArniVidar;45033 wrote:
    I think you’re a bit confused dude…. I’m not the one with the new tattoo.

    Sorry Arni, My apologies. What I said was directed at the original poster, Ryder004, not you.


    ok thx for all that info,

    yes i always keep a coat of A&D on it, but my friend who has many tattoos says not to put any water on it for the first week….how the hell do i clean it?

    ryder004;45040 wrote:
    ok thx for all that info,

    yes i always keep a coat of A&D on it, but my friend who has many tattoos says not to put any water on it for the first week….how the hell do i clean it?

    Quit listening to people who don’t know what the hell they are talking about, and get on line and research how to take care of a tattoo. Good Lord, we’ve told you where to go to get the answers. Go to Sherav’s post, click on his damn signature and read his writings on tattoo aftercare. He’s done a TON of research and knows what he’s talking about…or go to my websight at http://www.newcovenantinktattoo.net and read our aftercare instructions. This is the second and last time I’m telling you this.

    Wash the damn tattoo, anyone who tells you not to is an idiot. Thus your friend with many tattoos is an idiot.

    Do not soak it, do not get in saunas or hot tubs with it, do not get it in chlorinated water, do not get it in salt water, keep it out of direct sunlight. Other than that, follow the instructions you’ve been given.


    i read you website and it says showers are ok is that right?


    yes showers are fine. Wash it regularly. Use anti bacterial soap

    ryder004;45042 wrote:
    i read you website and it says showers are ok is that right?

    Nopes. He just put it there to point people to it in order to trick them into treating their tattoos correctly.

    Sorry, but I just had to.. :rolleyes:




    last thing(and i greatly appreciate the help)

    tell me about sweat and the tattoo, because i gota do some outdoor stuff on sunday and i sweat like an animal and i live in none other than hot ass southern cali..

    will sweat mess it up?


    No, but dirt will. Keep it covered, out of direct sunlight and wash it thouroughly when you are finished working outside. keep dirt out of it as much as possible. When I say keep it covered, I mean wear clothing that completely covers it.


    ya im just going to wear a thermal, but knowing my body it will be in a pool of sweat, so thats what worries me


    any sign of a pic yet ?

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