
    The dragon Koi will work as a cover up. I would STRONGLY suggest using color. since you already have red that you are trying to cover, I would say use red and oranges with a hint of yellows. Just a heads up, in Japanese culture…the folks that developed the Koi, they consider it an ill omen for the Koi to be pointing down. A Koi swimming upstream (facing upwards) is a sign of good fortume and prosperity. a koi swimming downstream, (facing downwards) is a sign of ill fortune and catastrophe.

    Outlaw;45211 wrote:
    here is a link to kevs place

    Yeah agree.. very good work there indeed, anyone in the midlands should be using that place for sure!

    Butterfly_Kisses;45233 wrote:
    it looks like it would cover it to me . your tattoo is old and faded so i would have thought you shouldnt have too much of a problem covering it with that koi.
    you might have to let your artist do it in the colours he/she feels are best .

    i looked at the site you posted and their work looks alright , been wondering since why a skin head has a butterfly tattoo on his head ๐Ÿ˜€

    Thanks butterfly_kisses, he said he could do it, and more importantly didn’t have a problem doing a dragon koi unlike the 1st artist I saw, I’m booked in for 1st of Sept for the 1st session, really hoping it turns out well for me, although I have to say after 25yrs or longer of having my current tattoo’s done, I’m terrified at the thought of the pain!! not as fearless as in my younger days! ๐Ÿ˜€

    S.Neill;45238 wrote:
    The dragon Koi will work as a cover up. I would STRONGLY suggest using color. since you already have red that you are trying to cover, I would say use red and oranges with a hint of yellows. Just a heads up, in Japanese culture…the folks that developed the Koi, they consider it an ill omen for the Koi to be pointing down. A Koi swimming upstream (facing upwards) is a sign of good fortume and prosperity. a koi swimming downstream, (facing downwards) is a sign of ill fortune and catastrophe.

    Thanks for the tip about the koi swimming upstream, the tattooist said that it would have to be going up the arm in order for it to cover better. Just as you say, he also said about using some red, orange along with the black, so I guess that’s a good start.

    Any advice regarding Clive’s work S. Neil? I know its probably not really the done thing, but to get the honest / unbiased opinion of another artist would be good for me?

    Thanks again everyone for all the help, I have so many tattoo’s to get covered so forgive me if I keep asking for advice, or ideas. I think the one on my left leg will be up for discussion soon as I have an ex girlfriends name on it from back in 1984, my current other half has been very good about it although she gets the odd little dig in from time to time, not sure what I’m going to be able to cover that with mind, running out of ideas now:D


    i totally agree with S.Neill

    nuf said……..

    i am still waiting for the information regarding the norwich studio from josh but i will get it to you asap buddy

    Outlaw;45243 wrote:
    i totally agree with S.Neill

    nuf said……..

    i am still waiting for the information regarding the norwich studio from josh but i will get it to you asap buddy

    Thanks Outlaw

    Is it “Styx Tattoo” in Norwich by any chance?


    Look Comet, I checked out the link you gave in your post for this other studio. They have some great work…but to be honest, I don’t like their Koi work at all. There are two Koi on the site, with one, the calico spotty look just doesn’t work. I simply don’t like it. The other one I don’t like the way it is done. The colors don’t blend well.

    These guys are good, but they aren’t good at Koi. That’s my opinion.

    If I were you I’d make one of two choices. Hold out for a better artist and keep looking. You can use this guy Outlaw is trying to hook you up with. I’d trust anyone Outlaw sent me to.

    Here’s the other alternative. I live in Texas and Texas is bigger than all of the United Kingdom…I think. Hell, its nearly a nation all on its own. It takes nearly twelve hours to drive from the north of Texas to the South of it, and here in Texas we’ll drive even farther for good ink.

    Here’s my advice. Make an appointment with Outlaw and drive the four hours to let him do it.

    I don’t know how ya’ll work in England, but here in Texas we’ll sit six hours for a good tattoo. If the tattooist is willing, get it all at once. its worth it. If I ever can get over there I want Outlaw to do work on me…if I can find the room:D I also want work from Izzarrasink.

    That’s my advice. Go with Outlaw. You’ll get better work.

    S.Neill;45250 wrote:
    Look Comet, I checked out the link you gave in your post for this other studio. They have some great work…but to be honest, I don’t like their Koi work at all. There are two Koi on the site, with one, the calico spotty look just doesn’t work. I simply don’t like it. The other one I don’t like the way it is done. The colors don’t blend well.

    These guys are good, but they aren’t good at Koi. That’s my opinion.

    Hi Again S.Neil…

    I understand what you say, I think you are refering to the blue koi? I agree the colours don’t necessarily work, but that could have been the clients choice perhaps.

    The best koi’s Ive seen looking around on the net are, dark red, dark orange, and even black. I wouldn’t be happy with that part shading look anyway, and want mine to be full colours.

    If he follows the design I’ve given him, and as long as the colours are right, it should be ok surely and it should look as my design does? I should also have a pretty good idea when the stencil is put in place as to whether this will work.

    As I already said these guys took their time with me, they gave me the impression that they cared, unlike the first artist I visited, who really didn’t give a S*** as he’s working off his reputation. He spent seconds looking at my arms, while these guys took their time to figure out how to go about it.

    I’ve looked at a hell of alot, of artists work on the net this past few weeks, and have to say there is exceptional, very good, good, average and quite frankly crap work out there, sadly in the UK at least, although their are exceptionally good artists around, very average and crap work is still prominent which surprises me and even saddens me.

    I have to say of all the sites I’ve trawled through this guy is awesome – I know nothing about him but his work speaks for it’s self, this is as good as it gets in my eyes:


    Thanks again for all your advice and comments, I’ve taken them on board ๐Ÿ˜Ž




    that guys artwork is brilliant , this is the funniest page


    they is also a page with a tattoo thats very distasteful :confused:
    princess diana with a cock coming out her mouth with dido on it :confused: WTF what twat would have that done !!
    ( im not into the royals or owt before you ask LOL )


    Yes, Butterfly that is a shame that such a talented artist resorts to designs like that!

    Some of the designs are very distasteful, and TBH I’m very open minded! I avoided the link to that page and others so I hope it doesn’t offend anyone who clicks your link, if you can see past that however I think its probably the best work I’ve ever seen, all the artists in that studio are superb!


    Just out of interest I was looking around and found “Cosmic Tattoo” of Colchester, Essex. and saw this cover up, although the design is not my choice there is no denying its covered really well, the shading looks great, which proves if the artist is skilled enough they can do a good cover without going mega dark






    I agree, a good artist can cover work without having to resort to solid black…most of the time. I just did a cover up where that didn’t work though. I ended up having to use tribal to cover the work. It was simply too bold and too dark to cover any other way. Especially where it was located.

    Anyway, keep us posted on the cover up, and good luck.

    As to another point, it is truly a sad fact that there is so much shoddy work out there coming from studios. We have a lot of that here also. But those who are good, stand out over time.

    S.Neill;45285 wrote:
    I agree, a good artist can cover work without having to resort to solid black…most of the time. I just did a cover up where that didn’t work though. I ended up having to use tribal to cover the work. It was simply too bold and too dark to cover any other way. Especially where it was located.

    Anyway, keep us posted on the cover up, and good luck.

    Getting back to our earlier post, regarding the Koi, did you see this koi on his black / grey work page?


    This looks a pretty good standard to me? would I ever get away with a black / grey koi like this for the cover, or is this simply a NO- NO? I’m guessing probably not right?

    I just took another look and it does appear as if there is some cover up work going on in the design, its mostly in the bottom left of the Koi? showing through considerably, but then might be unfinished?

    I kind of like the plain black designs over colour.




    im still awaiting for josh to get back to me….. i tried ringing Karl over in benidorm but to no avail….. what is this world coming to ?????

    as for the coverup, you have some colour in there so unless the design you have in mind has plenty of black to cover it then the answer to b/g only will be NO ..
    yes i have done coverups and used whites to mask the original colours underneath but it aint fun to do and has no guarantees as to the longevity of the white staying in as it tends to either turn a pale shitty yellowy colour or it can totally fall out on some people….. just like on me, i only keep white for about 3 months then it decides to leave home without any warning lol..

    personally i do like that woody’s work, his b/g work is frigging awesome and as for the ones in flutterby’s link…. thaey are only as distasteful as you want them to be… this is an artform for expressing yourself and showing others how beutifully individual we can be.

    ps…. S.Neill…. your welcome to some work if ever your over here in england buddy ๐Ÿ˜‰



    That tattoo you mention of Princess Di came about from a sick rumour that she was performing an act of oral sex on Dodi when the crashed – severing his penis in the process. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    There is also a subtle reference to the mercedes benz star on her forehead as there was another rumour that she had been embedded with it or could just be mentioning that was the type of car she died in.

    Of course it was made up to sell/shock readers but gotta admit regardless of content that is one damn fine tattoo that has been drawn.

    Take Care

    PS No I am not a royalist and yes I am full of useless shit trivia. ๐Ÿ˜€

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