
    yea i think it would be pretty sweet in black and grey
    personally, ill never get a color tattoo i just like how black and grey look

    Butterfly_Kisses;46334 wrote:
    health ? so if your run down or have something wrong with you it can affect colour or healing ?
    my cousin has bad diabetes and needs to inject daily and he wants a full sleeve doing , im a bit worried about him getting it done .

    Tell him to go to a doctor BEFORE getting a tattoo. I won’t tattoo diabetics on the lower extremities at all because diabetes cause contriction of the capallaries, or the veins. Which causes numbness and loss of feeling. This is most common in the legs and feet, but in some cases can extend to the arms and hands.

    A diabetic with this problem CAN NOT heal properly. They are twice as prone to infection, and infection can lead to amputation. Why? Because their veins are constricted. They are not getting oxygenated, nor are their extremities getting proper blood flow.

    Now, does that occur in all cases? No. But it can occur, thus he needs to go to a doctor first. If his blood sugar is stable, and he’s lost no feeling in his arms or hands and is not prone to numbness there then there is probably little risk. If his sugars regularly exceed 300 then he’s high risk.

    This is one of the things scratchers from home never learn most of the time.


    i will see if i can get him to join this forum so he can see for himself the risks ๐Ÿ™
    he is in good shape and had a tattoo before but i dont what him to take that for granted before checking with a doctor .

    thanks you 2


    So finally i made tattoo!

    Link here: http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/8501/leao.jpg ( after 1 hour )

    http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/3650/dsc01866jr.jpg ( after 4 days )

    So you guys approve the tattoo Lion ?
    I take picture after 1 hour


    I approve! ๐Ÿ™‚


    very nice , im glad to see you didnt go with your original idea ๐Ÿ˜‰


    oh yes!! excellent…congratulations..

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