I do not personally feel too much pain, but one of my friend cannot tolerate the pain.
We actually have a product for this, for you to get the maximum satisfaction of getting a tattoo – being able to do more in less time, Dr. Numb Topical Anesthetic Numbing Cream can help you with this. Check out our site, and be sure to bookmark us! http://drnumb.com 😀
A fair point you have about constant public scrutiny when dealing with facial tattoos, it may depend on the reasons you want to get one in the first place. I’m from New Zealand and from a native maori P.O.V I’m finding them quite popular here, but it is heritage and acceptable, but I agree too, prepare to be stared at for the rest of your life.
As for pain, I feel it but it doesnt bother me, i have somewhat of a high pain threshold but more than that, its about mind over matter. I focus on the pain instead of trying to push it away, I just deal with it, its honestly not that bad anyway, it kinda itches though haha
music food and TV when getting my arm done i just ate some chips and watched the tv they had in the shop
but for the stuff on my chest i have to bring my ipod and “zone out” cuz personally that shit fucking hurts but i know what i like and i know i like my tattoos so to me the pains worth it
music is the best way imo just get you groove on in your head and let your artist do their thing
The pain is part of the experience so you gotta accept it or more on……..
This. You psyched yourself out. Stay calm, remember to breathe (normally), try talking with the artist while he does it, etc.
Probably already found the answer in the last year.
Yeah, I noticed well after I posted. Too bad you guys don’t have a facepalm smiley on here.
I’ve only had “pain” during my latest session it was my flames in my pit (inner elbow) but besides that I have not experianced any tear jerking pain. When I got my design put on my collar bone I could not help but laugh during the session my tattoo artist asked me if every thing was Kosher? I replied yeah just feels good I guess. whenever I get a tattoo it releives me of stress
Sounds to me like you had an adrenaline rush and got worked up. Next time shouldn’t be so bad if you just chill out and take it like everyone else does. I personally like the pain, it’s like a therapy you can’t get anywhere else. As far as the face tat goes, I’d say do it…there’s a much less likely chance of you reproducing to create others who would also make ill-advised decisions.
the guy that tattoo’s me probably hates me…i tend to talk alot when i’m getting tattooed..its kinda takes my mind away from what is actually going on. but everyone in the shop usually shoots the shit so i just go with them. this is just me though
you can always just bringing a drink with you try and text on your cell phone or browse the net on it. anything really that would help take your mind off of what is actually going on.
I agree that pain makes it more worth it in the end, but getting my knee done made me want to quit.
Well buddy,
just saw your post…well if you scroll down on the threads you will see my thread about using the Dr. Numb cream. I know it’s a new post for today but hopefully by the time you get to see it…I will be finish with the tattoo and I can have some more information on if the cream works or not. Maybe that will help you on your next tattoo decision.
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