Yeah it’s getting re-drawn my a very good friend of mine who i have never been tattoo’d by before. He has been tattooing for 3 years now and is a great artist and allot of people say he is the best when it come’s to skulls. Im not sure about adding something to it yet if i see something and it feels right i don’t see why not.
Do u have a link to his portfolio?:p
He actually hasn’t got a link apart from he’s Facebook profile because they are currently getting a website made dude. It should be up anytime though so ill link it as soon as i can.
A) Just because he’s your buddy, doesn’t mean he’s really any good.
B) Your track record for chosen artists so far makes me question your statement, but of course if you like his work then that is all that matters.
C) That drawing is dreadful, and as is it would make a bad tattoo. I seriously hope your buddy will do something good with it. Full symmetry Can Not Be Achieved on the human body, so my view is to embrace the organics of the body and not try. This design is just a half-tattoo that’s mirrored across the center axis, leaving two identical tattoos. That is plan ugly, aside from the fact that if they are designed identical like that, you can easily play “Spot 20 differences” because they will NEVER be identical once on the body.
Arni I’ve already said dude that the picture is just rough idea of what im getting yes that drawing is terrible i know haha. The artist who will be doing it “Nick” is actually really good not just because he is my friend. He is also a lot better then the artists i have mentioned before 🙂
I will get some pictures of he’s Facebook if anybody would like to see some of he’s work and will also link the website when it is finally finished.
now THIS is a chest piece…
I’ve seen that one before who’s work is it? The lighting aspect of it is just incredible.
nick chaboya from san francisco. he was the guy i originally approached for my bio gears piece. he also did gsouders plague piece. i sometimes wonder how my sleeve would have turned out if i went to him.

i must admit that is fucking gorgeous!
I forget.. why didn’t you get him to do it?
In the beginning he told me straight up that he has never done gears before and that maybe i should look elsewhere. Which just tells u about his character. He could have made a couple grand but was honest and very stand up which i respect. But after i paid my deposit to paco, nick said he would love to take on this piece to add to his portfolio. So by then it was kinda late. Well i could have still went to him, but paco has done this type of work before so i ended up going with him. Looking back, i think it would have been great to have nick do the sleeve, but paco killed it as well, so i think either way i would have been happy.
Well it’s fantastic as it is, so it’s not like you can be really disappointed.
Hmm.. should I have this great steak or that great steak… difficult choice 🙂

What he said. Keep looking until you find someones work that knocks you off your feet. For me, it was Nick, but you’ll know when you see the right one. It will be like lightening.
If you want to kill the skulls, go here:

That tattoo would look so much nicer if that guy hit the gym a little bit. Those flaccid manboobs aren’t doing anything for me.
I think I might be gay
I think I might be gay
That the saggy manboobs are your primary concern, raises some doubts, yes :p
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