    hip toss

    oh weird what about any creams to use to use on the scar. or do scars normally heal on their own cause mine is not raised but the scar makes a shape in my skin


    Seriously?!? Theres nothing you can do while its healing except make it worse.
    Re-fookin-lax bro.
    Scab falls off. Thats what it does.
    Generally tattoos scar. Thats why you can feel them if you run your fingers over them.
    Do not put anything on it besides lotion. Small amounts of lotion only a couple times a day.
    Do not use anything for scarring. All you are doing is making it worse.

    When u read “the internets” about tattooing scars theyre nit talking about touchups, theyre talking about heavy scar tissue like on a burn victims.

    Buttwheat, thats nuts. Glad it didnt react the second time.


    @jerryatrophy 122310 wrote:

    Buttwheat, thats nuts. Glad it didnt react the second time.

    I’ve seen this before. It’s caused by using jizz as a moisturizer.

    hip toss

    i understand but i all i see is ink missing form the tattoo


    @hip toss 122319 wrote:

    i understand but i all i see is ink missing form the tattoo

    So what get it retouched up after it heals, it really is that fucking simply


    @Sam-I-Am 122312 wrote:

    I’ve seen this before. It’s caused by using jizz as a moisturizer.

    For some reason it only reacted that way with your jizz


    @buttwheat 122321 wrote:

    For some reason it only reacted that way with your jizz

    Must have been the day I ate a lot of garlic.


    I thought there was some kind of law in place preventing artists from tattooing the mentally handicapped?

    Seriously man…just follow the good advice you have gotten on this board and the other one and let it heal. Deal with it after a good month or so of healing.

    hip toss

    well ezrider make it simple for yourself turn off your computer and go drink some bleach then that way you wont have to respond to my handicapped self


    yikes! 🙁 that wasnt very nice


    Is this still the same tatoo u keep complaining about.
    I’ve lost count now the amount of threads you have put up about scabs an stuff

    hip toss

    its obvious i stopped talking about it im going to let it heal and take it from there next time red the thread before putting in your two cents cheers :]


    But your thread the other day was the same sort of question that was answeared an you just chamged the wording abit and made a new thread.
    No doupt yoy will be back in few days with a new desaster about your tatoo.
    Just saying


    @hip toss 122355 wrote:

    its obvious i stopped talking about it

    Oh? Not so obvious to us in here. Feels like there’s a new disaster from you about every 12 hours.

    hip toss

    perhaps but like i said arni i’m going to chill for now even if there is a scar or ink loss its only been 2 weeks so i keep waiting. your right there is no point running back to the internet every time something goes wring its a scar i got to deal with it till it heals fully i’m taking the advice and advancing from there :]

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