@ArniVidar 126767 wrote:
I have nothing BUT half-formed (or mostly-formed) ideas. They will have to wait until I can afford to trapse around the world in search of a proper artist, or until one such magically appears here in Iceland 🙂
There is one shop I have found for Iceland but not sure if its the style your after? 🙂
No Peter. Reykjavik Ink only does traditional.
@Thaela 126788 wrote:
I’m due in 3-4 weeks and would like to get a motherhood celtic knot at some point, but I have no idea where I’d want it. Don’t know if I want another one on my back where I can’t see and enjoy it!
Congrats, Mom!
And that’s exactly how I feel about back tattoos. I can’t enjoy it. That’s a tattoo area for someone else’s enjoyment.
@GrayCatLove 126775 wrote:
My back is largely an unspoiled canvas, and while I want a tattoo there, what I want there changes from minute to minute on some days. I’m impressed how many of you people have really good (albeit, not fully realized) tattoo ideas.
I’ve been thinking about your virgin back. I see a pond, or small lake, surrounded by Japanese trees, plants, and flowers. In the pond you see into the clear water aquatic life and I guess some koi. Rising beyond is a Japanese “tori gate” (big arch usually wooden, but some times masonry). Very colorful, add some sky, birds, clouds, etc.
There is so many tattoos floating around in my head.
@ArniVidar 126767 wrote:
I have nothing BUT half-formed (or mostly-formed) ideas. They will have to wait until I can afford to trapse around the world in search of a proper artist, or until one such magically appears here in Iceland 🙂
It can happen. TattooIsh (Ish Schuurbiers) magically appeared at the local tattoo show in Vancouver. And that is why I am sitting here tonight with an icepack on my forearm. Happy. So happy. And swollen. Pics tomorrow.
@Call_me_Lola 126811 wrote:
It can happen. TattooIsh (Ish Schuurbiers) magically appeared at the local tattoo show in Vancouver.
That’s exactly what I’m hoping will happen here. We have had an international tattoo conference here for the past 6 years, always run by the Reykjavik Ink crew, and have sadly mostly been populated by the Reykjavik Ink crew and friends.. namely Traditional and Japanese.
Last year, however, an Icelandic tattoo artist (who himself does realism) started a second conference, so I’m hoping we’ll have two of them every year, and hopefully I’ll find an artist to take care of me.
My problem is that I need an artist that is exceptional at creating realistic fantasy, and another one that can create cartoons of Disney quality (I don’t expect them to be one and the same). No direct reference material exists for the more formed ideas, so they need to design everything from scratch. And they obviously need to be good at tattooing as well 😀
A couple…
I really want a siren on my arm, but I’m wanting Nikko to do that (fat chance) and have no clear image in mind.
I also really want some more biomech, probably on my legs.
And, I still want a “The good, the bad and the ugly” back piece with the three portraits at the top against a background of wagons, western type saloons or whatever the artist came up with (it’s a very rough, unfinished idea)
@buttwheat 126805 wrote:
There is so many tattoos floating around in my head.
My guess is that there’s room in there for many more!
I’ve always said the day my father dies, I can get a tattoo in an obvious place and truly not care what anyone thinks from that moment on, because the last conservative opinion I ever cared about dies with him. I don’t know what I get, but I imagine that day, or soon after, I’ll get a tattoo you can see in “normal” clothes.
And given his health (runs 7 miles a day, almost 70), it will be a VERY long time. 😉
@buttwheat 126805 wrote:
There is so many tattoos floating around in my head.
And quite a few naked men.
This time I’m giving my artist the freedom to ravage me. He said something about working with an idea about a cat last time we spoke.
@BertNaked 126858 wrote:
This time I’m giving my artist the freedom to ravage me. He said something about working with an idea about a cat last time we spoke.
You know, giving over creative control is so hard, but with a quality artist, nothing but good can come of it.
@GrayCatLove 126880 wrote:
You know, giving over creative control is so hard, but with a quality artist, nothing but good can come of it.
During the first session I had with Anthony he attacked my leg with four colors of sharpie markers. I thought “what the fuck am I doing”. It’s soon one year since my first tattoo.
@GrayCatLove 126880 wrote:
You know, giving over creative control is so hard, but with a quality artist, nothing but good can come of it.
That is the truth! I was prepared for Ish to go at me with sharpies, because I knew he was big on freehanding.
He got a stencil ready for the main part of the image, put it on, and then said he was going to add his touch around it. I watched what he was drawing but had no idea where he was going with it. I’m sure I must have raised my eyebrow a couple of times, but I just sat there and let him do his thing. Oh, I see where he’s going, he’s drawing a rose on my wrist. Hmm. That’s not a rose. Nope, oh, it’s an eye. Awesome. And a triangle and a square? What??? But I never felt worried, just trusted him. I’d say it worked out for me, in a BIG way.
And it was REALLY cool watching it all come together. Quite an experience going in for a tattoo with no concept of how it was going to end up, no ‘picture’ in your head.
So BERTNAKED – hope you have an awesome time at your ravaging!!! It will be a very interesting day. Good luck!!
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