i really like it, i think it would look awesome!
eeek! Today is trouble shooting day with my tattooer.
I feel so nervous! Yet, I will be even more nervous next week for the actual tattooing! I will post pics of the shrunken design!
That looks amazing. I wish I had the stones to get a chest piece
I think greens, bronzey oranges and purples would look best. You’ll have to let me know how much it hurts once it’s done. EEE I’m properly excited for you hehe
The smaller image I will go with. This is only 5% smaller than the last stencil we did. We need some adjustments but thats it.
What do u think? I wish the medallion was a litte bigger, but then it will kill the negative space inbetween the lilies.
What do u think? I wish the medallion was a litte bigger, but then it will kill the negative space inbetween the lilies.
I really like the redesign and I think it will look amazing when you get it done. Light greens, purples will look amazing against your skin and with your eyes. Maybe I’m overstepping my internet boundaries here but I would suggest that you wait a month or two to get the work done so you know for sure that this is what you want. I’ve been following your story on 2 forums and I don’t get the sense that you have really settled on this huge piece yet. It feels to me, through a computer and 1000’s of miles away, that you are rushing into this new design because you are unhappy with the first version. Once this is done there is no changing, modifying, rethinking…
Anyway, just my .02. If you still want this in a month or two you can still get it. You can’t take it off if you change you mind. Good luck with what ever you choose!
Anyway, just my .02. If you still want this in a month or two you can still get it. You can’t take it off if you change you mind. Good luck with what ever you choose!
I think I’m really just an over-thinker. You’re right though, I’m not settled. Its mainly because I never wanted a chest piece to begin with. I hate those blue flowers on their own so much that I now love the chest piece idea. I’m just super effing nervous and going through everything with a fine comb. Other thing, I was super sad with the forget-me-nots with how they looked. After being touched up, they are really growing on me… well the right side is. Left side isn’t done yet. I just hate them on their own. I think they look awkward. I really do like the redesign. I just want everything to be perfect.
Funny story….
My original appt was for April 3rd. I just shot my artist an email and asked her if I could hold off on it, but still come in to finish my left bundle of forget me nots.
I think its the best choice for me right now. I think I am rushing it a little. I mean geez.. I only decided to do the whole chest almost a month ago.. next thing I know, I got a date to get a design done. Since I am rushing, its putting a lot of pressure on me to make sure everything is what I want and make sure everything is perfect. Therfore.. I started nit-picking at it. Which is insane! I know it looks nice! I just haven’t settled with it yet. I go back and forth on want I want.. I want it to be right before I tattoo all over my chest. Obviously… I already learned my lesson.
So yes.. you were right. I can finally admit. I am gonna wait a month and take a little more time. I know I like the design, I want to make sure I still feel that way then.
I haven’t been following this thread until now, but I’m very glad to see this decision. Like Gsouder I was starting to think that you needed to take a breather on the whole thing, and I’m SO happy for you that you decided to do so.
Now, what I would like to add to his advice for you, is to wait a bit longer.
You’re getting your left side fixed and you say that you’re already getting used to the right side. So I suggest that once the left side is healed you take AT LEAST 2 months to wear them and live with them. You will be TONS happier with the fixed flowers so they on their own will not be bothering you. If, after 2-3 months, you still think that the tattoo is missing something, start thinking anew and perhaps just add 2-3 green leaves to the bundles or go with that full chest piece or something.
It’s extremely permanent ink and you have all the time in the world. Don’t rush into anything. Apparently you made that mistake once.
Now, what I would like to add to his advice for you, is to wait a bit longer.
You’re getting your left side fixed and you say that you’re already getting used to the right side. So I suggest that once the left side is healed you take AT LEAST 2 months to wear them and live with them. You will be TONS happier with the fixed flowers so they on their own will not be bothering you. If, after 2-3 months, you still think that the tattoo is missing something, start thinking anew and perhaps just add 2-3 green leaves to the bundles or go with that full chest piece or something.
It’s extremely permanent ink and you have all the time in the world. Don’t rush into anything. Apparently you made that mistake once.
I’m starting my own design, but keeping hers. I really like hers, but I want it to flow with my storyline. I am not very happy with the ending finish. ::SIGH::
I really want to rip the original artists head off. My self esteem is so damn low now. You have no idea. Look how effing off they are! the left one is turned in so much more! This is why I need a whole chest piece. I can’t live with that. Plus its getting really nice out and I see people wearing tank tops and such. I feel I can forever only wear a t-shirt. I’m the kind of girl that only wants good tattoos. I don’t settle for less. The original artist didn’t even have bad stuff.. it must have been flash.
I agree emerald green would be sweet !
I really want to rip the original artists head off. My self esteem is so damn low now. You have no idea. Look how effing off they are! the left one is turned in so much more! This is why I need a whole chest piece. I can’t live with that. Plus its getting really nice out and I see people wearing tank tops and such. I feel I can forever only wear a t-shirt. I’m the kind of girl that only wants good tattoos. I don’t settle for less. The original artist didn’t even have bad stuff.. it must have been flash.
Wow, I can really feel your frustration!
I know that this next sentence isn’t really worth writing but I’m going to write it anyway: They only look 1/5th as bad as you think they do. In fact, in the photo above, I had to pull the computer very close to my face to see what you are talking about. Yes, once I noticed I saw it, and if I were you I would be fucking pissed as well, but from an outside point of view, it’s not as bad as you think.
I keep going back to my original design. I’m wondering if I should maybe change the lilys? Not sure. Second. I wanna try coming up with another design.
I really like the original because its pretty, feminine, and has that vintage appeal.
I guess I can say some things about myself and the Forget me nots.
Me: I’m a natural redhead with the pale skin, I love adventure, nature, and the outdoors.
I got the FMNs because they are the state flower of Alaska. Funny story, I have never been to Alaska, but I am VERY intrigued by it and I have this crazy idea of living off the wild and being free from society. Ha!
I was trying to see if I could come up with a design that corresponds with me getting the FMNs in the first place.
I do however have a big love for vintage and the 50’s-70’s decades. Thats what draws me to the original design.
Okay.. being that I am into colors/design and fashion and yada yada.. I think if you pick any gem tones you’ll be pleased with the out come. I am fair skinned as well. Forest greens, purples, magentas, and if you want dark or burnt oranges you can do that too. Just make sure you don’t pick any neon bright colors like yellow or lime green. The colors themselves don’t really matter so long as you work with the right shade or tone.
This is going to sound sooo girly.. I’m going to make everyone puke.. But here it goes: When you pick out your eye shadow in the morning, what kind of colors do you pick? You want them to accentuate your eyes and your hair right? Your make up cancels out your blemishes, yes? This is the same with tattoo inks. It’s decorative and enhances the appearance. Go from there.
I think whatever design you pick will look awesome. you have a great start already. Don’t worry about the symmetry aspect too much, just as many others have said. Only you and your artist will notice the small space issues.
This is going to sound sooo girly.. I’m going to make everyone puke.. But here it goes: When you pick out your eye shadow in the morning, what kind of colors do you pick? You want them to accentuate your eyes and your hair right? Your make up cancels out your blemishes, yes? This is the same with tattoo inks. It’s decorative and enhances the appearance. Go from there.
I think whatever design you pick will look awesome. you have a great start already. Don’t worry about the symmetry aspect too much, just as many others have said. Only you and your artist will notice the small space issues.
I freaking love you! hahaha!
I totally already did the makeup comparison. I use a lot of golds, browns, and natural colors. Thats what made me lean to the green.
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