I know that hawaiian people aren’t overly fond of foreigners getting their traditional tattoos. Not that they necessarily get offended, they would just think you don’t deserve it.
I don’t like it, but if you like it that’s all that matters.
Megan…… You are a fool..!
I am of Nordic descent and I wouldn’t care if he turned it into a giant penis. I’m not the one who has to see it in the mirror every morning. 😀
Well I have an adversion to gangs and things that will upset them, so we refuse to do tattoos that certain clubs/gangs/other use and turning skinhead emblems into tribal work in this part of the world is a gamble one which our shop would never take. The same way we would never randomly throw the deathhead on anyone or charlie, as a tattooist there are just certain toes I don’t step on.
But hey it isn’t my body Go for it have fun, Hell go one step further put the original thors hammer on your arm, forget the fancy pansy symbol go all out hun, Party on!
Well Mjölnir may be used by Neo-Nazis and so forth, but it certainly has nothing to do with its true origins. It’s also a symbol of Ásatrú (a religion). The iron cross represents strength, but Neo-Nazis borrowed that one too. PItbulls are used a white supremacy symbol also. If a guy came in with a swastika tattoo and wanted to add Mjölnir,an iron cross, or a Pitbull, that’s one thing, but to just ban them outright is kind of ridiculous. Certainly each shop is entitled to ink or not ink anything they choose, but implying that any shop that would ink these symbols is somehow irresponsible is a very short-sighted perspective.
Mybe i am being read wrong lol I am bad with words, what I was meaning is ” I ” wouldn’t turn this symbol into a tribal piece, and I in no way mean to imply any shop tattooing thors hammer is irresponsable we just don’t do it, personal choice is all. we also don’t do boyfriends names, property tags and ashes but that in no way means others shouldn’t. like everything else in this world it is up to you not me.
I see where your coming from now Megan although I don’t entirely agree as artist we reserve that right to turn away something that doesn’t feel right… On another note we DO put partners names on, for the simple fact that we don’t ride a morel high horse to work each day… I simply say I will put it on for you but don’t come see me if ya want it covered up,, no one has covered my work up an I’m certainly not going to be the first!!
I’m going to try and get this thread back on track, if that’s okay boys and girls?
Sorenson, I think the idea of combining your heritage and your travels is a great idea, if that was going to be it and a one time tattoo. But, it sounds like you are going to be wanting to get additional tattos down the road at some point. So will you also be combining these future tattoos with a heritage symbol? My point being, if you want a polynesian tattoo to symbolize your time there, then get one. If you want a tattoo to symbolize your heritage, get one of those, too. I personally love the idea of combining the two together and making it something unique and personal, but based on your future plans, you may want to keep each tattoo, or “postcard” as you put it, an individual and separate piece.
Does that make sense?

…. and i’d like it to have a more subtle feel
Instead of having it filled in solid black, maybe soft shades of black and grey. I like the design. It will make a nice tattoo.
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