Adler;95551 wrote:
…And at least you were able to accept some honest but relatively harsh feedback and realize you should go to another artist to fix this. Too many people are in denial about their poorly done tattoos and will defend an incompetent artist because it was a friend and they can’t admit the truth. Like you said, save some cash and find a good artist and you will be good.

Well, I wanted honest opinions and I was sick of people sugar coating it. Everyone close to me, like my boyfriend, wouldn’t give me an honest opinion because they didn’t want me to spend more money.

brok3npr0mise;95558 wrote:
Thanks! It was originally gonna end up going all the way up my ribs, but Im not sure that will ever happen now. Lol

once it fully heals, it can be re-done/ fixed and you probably will never know anything happened! just make sure its fully healed first so it doesn’t scar, i had a f*ed up tattoo once and it was annoying having to wait, but well worth it

Adler;95551 wrote:
…And at least you were able to accept some honest but relatively harsh feedback and realize you should go to another artist to fix this. Too many people are in denial about their poorly done tattoos and will defend an incompetent artist because it was a friend and they can’t admit the truth. Like you said, save some cash and find a good artist and you will be good.

This ^

brok3npr0mise;95559 wrote:
Well, I wanted honest opinions and I was sick of people sugar coating it. Everyone close to me, like my boyfriend, wouldn’t give me an honest opinion because they didn’t want me to spend more money.

That’s a bit inconsiderate of him. If you’re going to spend money on anything, it should be on improving a PERMANENT tattoo.

Call him a hypocrite if he spends money on crap that doesn’t last.


Yeah, getting that tattoo done right should be priority number one, even if you need to save a little fund to the side that your boyfriend doesn’t know about.


Just to get an idea…..how much do you guys think that a really, really good artist would charge to get this fixed?

brok3npr0mise;95701 wrote:
Just to get an idea…..how much do you guys think that a really, really good artist would charge to get this fixed?

Well it will basically have to have the whole thing gone over.

a good artist $300 or so
a really good artist $500 to $800


I’d say $400, But also in Canada our shops, around here anyways, don’t charge too much. The most expensive, for probably the best artist in Canada (that I have seen) is $150 an hour. And I’d imagine he could fix that up in under 3 hours.

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