i’m on my day 4 of the new tattoo and i still don’t have any flaking or itchy… i think i’ll stop putting lotion 2 times a day and just put 1 time…
when i pat the tattoo after shower i still notice a little ink coming off…
like Parademic said the body does all the healing for itself… the lotion and everything else it’s just a help u can provide, but if u provide too much it can ruin your tattoo…
when i pat the tattoo after shower i still notice a little ink coming off…
like Parademic said the body does all the healing for itself… the lotion and everything else it’s just a help u can provide, but if u provide too much it can ruin your tattoo…
Yeah i still get flaking a lot when i dab it dry. I have 2 weeks of bepanthen Nappy cream(really good cream for tattoo’s) and then i just switch to a moisturizer for a week and it has work’d a charm for me 🙂
i guess my body has a slow healing process cause i’ve read here in the forum that most people at day 4 starts to itch a lot and to peel…
i’m leaving wednesday back to my home country, i guess i’ll go meet the artist for her to see the tattoo and recomend any changes in my aftercare…
the lotion is just to help you deal with the itching, if you can deal with the itching and dry skin, then leave it. I put some ointment on mine last night because I was going out, and the way a tattoo looks in the healing phase is kinda gross, cracked, flaky, pieces of dead skin hanging off haha.
I put it on for the aesthetic look, but just know that you putting lotion on will not effect the healing time of your tattoo. I’ve learned from experience, with my body, it takes about 2 weeks for me to get 90% of the scabs off, it takes 2 weeks with ointment or without. The only difference I noticed is that the scabs “go away” faster with lotion and ointment because when you rub the lotion on, you break loose scabs that are barely hanging on. Where as when you don’t use it, they would hang on until either brushed off by something, or from the shower, or from clothes. Oh and obviously the itch is pretty minor. I find that if you are having some nasty itching going on, go to the washroom, turn the tap to cold water, put your hand in it and flick the cold water at the tattoo, do it like 4 or 5 times and it’ll look like it’s been rained on. Your body will absorb some moisture from the water and you pat it off almost right away. It will provide you with some natural relief from the itch without having to put on ointment or lotion.
Nice tattoo mate – looks like it healed well…..
whats next??? 😀
next? for now i’m not doing anymore… Lool
maybe in a couple of years i’ll do something on my back too to match up this tattoo i’ve done… of course i’ll come here to ask for some opinions 🙂
maybe in a couple of years i’ll do something on my back too to match up this tattoo i’ve done… of course i’ll come here to ask for some opinions 🙂
You’ll get another one very soon not in a couple of years. Everybody is keen for more after there first.;)
We’ll see about that 🙂
I have a question: when is the risk of infection over?
That depends. If dirty tools / accessories were used, you could have an infection and not even know. But for the most part, once the tattoo has scabbed up / started flaking, unless the wound becomes open again, the risk of infection is pretty low.
Usually with an infection you will notice that the area will be really warm, red, and the scabs can be gooey. If you don’t notice any of that within the first few days you are fine.
I know how this answer sounds, but there’s only one answer to that question:
Once it’s healed 🙂
Everyone is different. None of my tattoos have itched and I have had some fucked up healing.
When your tattoo heals like this then there is a reason to be concerned(I did need a touch up on this one)
However, since the last pic I posted, the last couple of letters have faded quite a bit after the peeling phase. They don’t look like they belong with the rest of the tattoo. I’m going to wait to do any coverups or anything for a few months and see how I feel about the tattoo then. But after it’s healed I’m going to see the original artist and have him touch up the last few letters so they are the same consistency as the rest of the word 🙂 I’ll just feel better when all the letters are the same consistency and look like they all belong as one word.
It may just be the new skin phase of your tattoo which will cause your tattoo to look cloudy or muted.
Don’t worry about how it looks when it’s healing give it a month or so.
Thanks for the advice, buttwheat. Will do.
When your tattoo heals like this then there is a reason to be concerned(I did need a touch up on this one)

Haha my hannya looked similar to that in some spots, except not gooey like that on the scabs. My dragon needs a touchup in a few spots where he overworked the area. The hannya will need a couple touchups also, but all in all they didn’t turn out too bad.
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