    harlem shake

    link me to what u use wardy :]


    @harlem shake 126294 wrote:

    link me to what u use wardy :]

    i don’t use anything because im never in direct sunlight long enough for it to do harm, i fucking hate sunbathing while the mrs sunbathes im under the umbrella with a beer with my jeans & boots on.


    @harlem shake 126291 wrote:

    okey so seeing everbody here is leading more towards sunscreen then sunblock got it

    sunblock and sunscreen are pretty much the same shit. they are trying to remove the term “sunblock: all together tho because its misleading as nothing can really “block” the sun so they are trying to label everything as sunscreen.


    @yodaddynukka 126296 wrote:

    as nothing can really “block” the sun.

    My house roof blocks the sun pretty well.


    @Wardy 126297 wrote:

    My house roof blocks the sun pretty well.

    put the roof on your tattoos and walk around in the sun! ultimate spf protection right there!


    @harlem shake 126284 wrote:

    so what do you use then if not sun lotion to protect your tattoo from fading

    I live in Seattle that is the best sunblock available


    @buttwheat 126304 wrote:

    I live in Seattle that is the best sunblock available

    Dude, I second that!! Plus 2 hours farther north into the rainforest. Damn good thing that tattoos are rustproof.

    And when I travel south to Mexico or one of those sunshine states you will probably find me in a palapa or a cabana. And a thorough coat of sunscreen.


    hate to sound like a know it all, lol but even where its gloomy/rainy/snowing, the suns uv rays still penetrate the cloud/rain/snow so you have to still be careful. you might not get tanned but the uv rays are still hitting you.


    @yodaddynukka 126325 wrote:

    hate to sound like a know it all, lol but even where its gloomy/rainy/snowing, the suns uv rays still penetrate the cloud/rain/snow so you have to still be careful. you might not get tanned but the uv rays are still hitting you.

    That is true, but the umbrella/hat/raincoat/boots also keep the UV rays off us. Plus the whole staying indoors when it’s raining thing helps. And snow? Maybe only three or four days a year of that around here. Not exactly the “great white north” out here on the wet coast. Oops – west coast.

    I do use very liberal quantities of sunscreen when it is appropriate. Now that I have all these tattoos to keep fresh and beautiful I am MUCH more diligent about applying it. I always have a supply on hand at home, as well as a tube in my car and another at work. (Umbrellas in all three locations as well. LOL)

    harlem shake

    it seems the sun is so annoying lol you can never go out without putting on sun screen


    @harlem shake 126379 wrote:

    it seems the sun is so annoying lol you can never go out without putting on sun screen

    I’ve had skin cancer and I was taking moderate precautions. NOW that my tattoos can fade, I’m using SPF 50 spray to take the trash out!*

    *Exaggerated to make a point. (I only use SPF 40 for trash, and SPF 50 to walk our dogs)


    @Sam-I-Am 126380 wrote:

    I’ve had skin cancer and I was taking moderate precautions. NOW that my tattoos can fade, I’m using SPF 50 spray to take the trash out!*

    *Exaggerated to make a point. (I only use SPF 40 for trash, and SPF 50 to walk our dogs)

    Funny, I just mentioned to a friend tonight that I used to be semi-diligent with the suntan lotion but was never afraid of a little burn and even the thought of skin cancer didn’t scare me that much, but HELL if I’m gonna fade this ink!! So now it’s lotion lotion shade and lotion.

    So who know’s – getting really good tattoos just might protect me from skin cancer. Now that would definitely be a win-win.


    I guess that the fact that you take better care of your ink than you do your life is more than a little strange…. but we like strange ๐Ÿ™‚


    This is what I use right here!

    Now if I’m in the mountains (being from Colorado, can’t pass up that chance!) I use an SPF 50


    The sunny weather has started, but my new forearm tattoo is only a week old so I don’t want to expose it to sunshine and it’s too fresh to apply sunscreen on. Spent three beautiful sunny days hiding indoors but I just couldn’t take it anymore. My solution? I went out and bought an inexpensive long sleeve t-shirt that had tight arms. Cut the arms off the shirt – a little longer than the tattoo – and made a couple of what I am calling “sun condoms” for my arm.

    Now when I want to go outside I only have to slide one on and BOOYAH, tattoo is protected. I might be a genius. LOL.

    I looked at the “arm warmers” at the sporting goods store and they were $35. Each. T-shirt cost $6, made a pair. I was actually looking to make them from a pair of tube socks, but they don’t seem to exist any more.

    And yes, still applying a 30 or higher sunscreen on all the remaining exposed skin, and especially the artwork. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Bring it on, summer!!

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