
    So the ink migrates after leaving the studio, not immediately?


    @MillieMoo 119838 wrote:

    So the ink migrates after leaving the studio, not immediately?

    Your body’s natural fluids spread and carry the ink, so no, it would not occur immediately.


    I want my bodys natural fluids to spread inside you. :rolleyes:


    But….. would that still be classed as a ‘blowout’? ๐Ÿ˜€


    I guess that would depend on how deep the artist went.


    @MillieMoo 119865 wrote:

    But….. would that still be classed as a ‘blowout’? ๐Ÿ˜€

    Or a blowin, depending on your perspective.


    sure looks like a blowout, and its not really due to the fact of an inexperienced artist, its a matter of him going to deep….Ive only been inking for 8 years, and i know how deep to go on the many different body parts because I was trained…..I just got rid of a guy at the shop for blowouts and hes been tattooing since 1978, he was published by magazines in the early 80’s, he was brutal, I have no problem with old schoolers but he took the cake, his mo was turn the machine up and rock it, but since I am a new schooler which had a correct apprenticeship he wouldn’t take my advice and had to be let go, now Im the bad guy…… I have fixed many comebacks of his, so just because you have 30 something years tattooing don’t mean nothing, times have changed you have to change with the times or you will be left behind, with a little imagination that tattoo can be saved….

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