I heard that Mr. Bill O’Reilly is blaming Hip Hop music and DMX for the dog fighting incidents with Michael Vick. I dont know how true this is though.
My Opinion: How are you going to point the finger at someone/something because of another mans actions? Michael Vick is a grown man and he is a millionare, so you mean to tell me that Hip Hop music influenced him to do such? I think that is BS!!
I agree msic did not make Vick fight dogs plain and simple.
I have a major issue with the way white America bashes hip-hop and the hip-hop phenomenon that is becoming one with professional sports today. Hip-hop is a result of a culture’s need to speak up about whats going on in their world. These are the forgotten people that don’t have a voice without it.
This hip hop generation that is in america today is usually kids that grew up with little, schools were sub par. didn’t have all of the same opportunities as others, and they learned how to survive. that meant doing odd jobs, selling drugs, whatever tin order to survive.
Now with the way the professional sports leagues are set up young poor men aspire to become multi million dollar athletes, or a rap star vs. becoming a doctor or a lawyer (educational opportunities aren’t equal). Many of these guys that make it to the professional level are still little kids. They went from college to millions of dollars in the matter of a year or 2 and they aren’t mature enough to handle the life style they are afforded because of a game they play.
MIke Vick is still a little hood child that never grew up. It has nothing to do with music, but It has everything to do with a 20 year old man signing a 120 million dollar contract without growing up first. He couldn’t leave the hood mentality in the hood.
Bill O’Reilly likes to bash a lot of things relating to the black community and Frankly I don’t feel like he knows what he is talking about 95% of the time, but idiotic people subscribe to his way of thinking.
where was bill will Jeffery Dahlmer was eating people? Did Heavy MEtal make this happen? Or the Unibomber, was he listening to country music when he was in his shed?
Hip hop music is like movies…you just listen to it, you dont actually do what they tell you!
Thats like saying the movie saw would influence people to kill.
DMX isnt responisble for anyones actions..you only listen to his music for entertainment, not real life advice! Most people with half a brain know this.
Have you ever watched Bill O’Reilly? He’s the most ridiculous person on television. Nobody actually beleives a word he says, his rating are only decent because he can be really entertaining because he’s such a numbscull. Don’t take anything you hear from him seriously =)
because hes racist and conservative.. i blame it on poor decisions. period.
he blames hip hop on a lot of things.
Hip Hop is an excuse for everything now days. Who knows why he said that- Ignorance, I’m guessing. Just like people blame Sesame street for a while (Ernie and Bert living together teaches children a gay relationship, and the grouch teach kids not to clean up after themselves, and cookie monster teaching kids to eat sweets only) So America…who will we blame next? Certainly not ourselves!
Bill O’Reilly is a radical con with a hip hop vendetta, he equates everything negative to hip hop. Furthermore, I am so tired of hearing about stupid mike vick and those stupid dogs
Yeah I called them STUPID and there is nothing anyone can do about it
Bill o Reilly is an horse a$s that likes to hear himself talk.
He and Rush Limbaugh are tight-bootied, racist idiots.
Gee, I wonder if he blamed Columbine on Marilyn Manson’s music?
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