    Ryan P

    why do people blame hip hop for kids acting Violante

    it could be video games or movies or they may live in a bad neighborhood

    anyway its the parents decision to let there kids listen to hip hop

    most rap is about peace and what living in the ghettos is like

    listen to these songs (can you really blame hip hop)




    Nicholais S

    I never blamed hip hop for anything even though some rap might get ppl hyped enough to fight.


    Yea it iz wrong for them 2 blame hip-hop….but i dont think grand theft auto iz 2 blame either. I think itz the parentz 2 blame..for them play it and lizten 2 that type of muzik and al$o how they were raized….they juzt want $omething 2 put the blame on..$o they uze rap and video gamez az a $Kapegoat 2 hide the truth….

    Trish the Dish

    Hip hop is about peace?

    Wow, I’m sorry but you MUST be delusional if that’s what you think!

    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think hip hop CAUSES people to be violent. I think that’s a choice, but I don’t think the culture that hip hop encourages is peaceful or good for anyone to follow.

    Dr 8’lls

    I don’t blame hip hop for anything, however, saying most rap is about peace is like saying Islam is the religion of peace


    What people?

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