
    will it be?

    1) Pink Floyd
    2) Led Zepplin
    3) Rolling Stones
    4) The Cure
    5) the Doors (jim is alive..lol)
    yes badkitty the cure was a sorta odd choice..but hey i love them !..lol
    ive listened to the Cure more than the rest of the groups i mentioned actually

    Soldiers wife

    Pink Floyd. I used to love them until I watched the wall and now they scare the hell out of me……..

    Izzy F

    the rolling stones. Mostly because I’m tired of them by now and also because among these groups, Mick and Keith are by far the ugliest.


    Dammmm Sharla good question. its a moral struggle for sure. what a hoot it would be stranded with that group of funsters!..id have to vote myself off i suppose, i couldnt bear handing in the GET LOST ballot to any of those!


    Stones. Never could stand them anyway.


    The Cure. I like them too, but I would not consider them classic compared to the others on the list!



    This has seriously got to be the most difficult question I’ve ever had to answer.

    Normally, I would not put The Cure in the same zone as the other bands, but I like The Cure, so I wouldn’t vote them off. I’m not a Stones fan, but voting them off would be akin to blasphemy. I would have to say Pink Floyd, because I was just never that into them.

    Now for this to TRULY be Classic Rock Survivor Island, you should substitute Aerosmith for The Cure, and substitute the Beatles for Pink Floyd. That would really make this difficult.

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