
    It seems I can’t even ask a question on horror films without some weirdo I’ve never met going on about how “sick” and “depraved” I am for liking them, and how they “should kill all my family” to “see how I like it”.

    Does anybody else get this?

    Because if you’re going to think along the lines of liking horror films = sadistic maniac, then surely you could also argue that people who like action films are murderous becuase the protagonist regularly shoots hundreds of innocent people; or you could argue that people who watch romance films are just perverts who enjoy watching people make out and have sex.

    Anyway, I’m NOT looking for a fight, (and I’m definitely not calling anybody a sadist or a pervert) but I’m just curious to know what you guys think, and whether you’ve had the same irritating experiances form people who don’t know you?


    life is the sick saddest not made up movies .. more sickos in real life .


    My mom thinks that watching to much horror movies will mess up my brain. My grandma thinks horror movies are a sign you like the “darker” side and that it is evil.

    In reality, watching horror movies is all harmless fun.

    There is no reason anyone should say those things to you because you like watching some horror movies.
    Personally, horror and gore movies are my favorite! It doesn’t mean I’m a sadistic maniac AT ALL. People should not be judged on what movies they like.


    Hi,i love horror films.I would ignore what others say.It would be a boring world if we all liked the same thing.


    I hate anybody who cannot respect that I have an original brain and can think for myself.

    beavis b

    I would n,t waste a breath on people like that.Each to their own.


    Some people should get a life. I love horror films and part of the reason that i enjoy them so much is because it is fiction. Having said that, I also love watching true to life films-loved the Jeffrey Dahmer one but my favourite one was A Deliberate Stranger about Ted Bundy. I like to try and understand why they do these things (can’t very often). Do these people think that we watch a film and then think of playing it out or something. They are the weird ones-you keep on watching.


    heres a hug shamboo
    and yes i like horror films and i also like thrillers love stories comedies at the end of the day they re just films somebodies interpertation of a story its not real life although some people literally take it that way its usually 90 mins of being scared shxxxxss i think the people who rant and rave about them should get a life theres worse things that happen in reality than in a dumb film


    omg i am a major girly girl and a priss and i luvv horror movies!!! i even like some gory movies like saw. some peeps do nawt at all believe me because i am soooo girly and prissy and all ” omg!” lol.alot of peeps think i would be like grossed out by them but i LOVE them. i like only watch horror movies. and i hate when my one friend calls me wierd for liking them! shes the one whos wierd because she got scared from watching when s stranger calls!!!! seriously like no horror movies scare me! i dont get scared easily! i TOTALLY get what your saying!

    ~ kendall xoxoxo


    Don’t let it get to you. People can’t like everything. Never let someone who doesn’t know you get to you.

    People who have a mentality that television, movies, music and video games can make a person violent, don’t understand human behavior. And you’ll never be able to make them understand and it’s not worth trying. Would it be better for them to not say anything at all? Probably, but that won’t happen. Like I said, don’t let it bother you. You know you aren’t a serial killer and watching horror films won’t make you one.


    i am scared now can i get a hug or somefing please


    what i’ve never heard anything like that before from anyone all i’ve heard is how great they are but i think films like saw should be banned (i also don’t want to start an argument its my opininon) beacuse there are some people who are sick and stupid they can get werid ideas from them also man hunt the computer game i disagree with all of these i strongly belive that our movies and newspapers should portray things from the victums side of things not the criminals!

    2 good 2 miss

    ive never heard anyone say these things…. did you make this up just to ask a question?


    some people are just too uptight and don’t know how to have a god time!

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