
    bushes and throw rocks at old peeps? I mean…old people suck. They smell funny….like stale urine. And, they can be mean as hello!

    Sure, you have an occasional sweet ole lady…but they are few and far between.

    I dunno…I just call it justice.


    Take it out on your grandparents if you have to.Don’t blame the rest of the elderly for your upbringing.I think Senior citizens are very nice people,even the grumpy ones.Maybee when your old some young punk might start throwing rocks at you.

    Amy K

    No, don’t throw rocks at them, just refuse to vote for anyone who is for raising Social security taxes!

    For Da Be Dan- Liza p

    You should thank God you never did that to my grandparents or you would have been stabbed, that would’ve been my justice

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