
    Yesterday, in Jackson, Mississsippi, a 72-year-old ex-Klansman, a citizen of that state, was sentenced to life in prison for his role in the Klan’s kidnapping and murder, in 1964, of two 19-year-old boys for no reason other than that they were black. As more than a few inmates in American prisons do, let’s say that once behind bars this man gives his “heart to Jesus,” which, as I understand it, opens the door to Heaven. Let’s say further than the two kids…who were beaten and weighted down and thrown into the Mississippi River, where they drowned…had not so given their hearts yet. Would they, in your interpretation of Christianity, go to Hell and their murderer to Heaven? Think carefully before you answer, for if you answer Yes, your answer casts a profound light on the kind of human being you are.
    CJ, you flatter yourself. I did not suggest that I would ever harbor an opinion of you. I’m sure that you are a capital human being, superior in all ways, a holder of six Harvard degrees, two Nobel prizes, and the Queen’s personal phone number, but, still in all, CJ, my plate is too full for me to even think of ‘judging you.’ So rest easy.

    Jesus loves you

    Think carefully before I answer it? Why do I have to think when the answer is so easy?
    I mean, I don’t want to answer what I’d like, what I think would make people happy. I say what’s true and the truth is the answer to your question “Yes”.


    No they would not.
    For many, the concept of the fact that one must recognoze the truth in order to be saved seems unfair to those who either died as infants, children or even adults. Why? because most people do not realize the purpose of the first ressurection, and the 1000 year reign, after which Satan is loosed one more time before the final war. (yep, that is right, after armaggedon, their is one more war).
    The first ressurection, is for those who never had a chance to respond favorably to the truth, and so, they are given their fair chance in the Kingdom. Yet, even after the 1000 years ends, Satan will be loosed from his inprisonment, and will one more time, lead many to rebel. The good thing though, is that after this final war, their will never again be anyone who is allowed to challenge God’s right to rule the heavens and the earth.


    Well that certainly is a pointed question…I will say yes…but I will also that most people have difficulty with the concept of all sins are equal in the eyes of the Lord. So yes this guy did some atrocious things…he murdered two boys…and as the world often sees it this is worse than say “lying.” The fact of the matter is that we are all sinners regardless of what we’ve done…I am by no means condoning what this man has done…but we are by no means to judge him either, for our hearts are equally as wicked, and we deserve to go to hell just as much as anyone, but God’s grace is sufficient for all…and all you have to do is believe in Him. I don’t like this question, and I almost didn’t answer it, I think it’s a total joke the little end quip you have about the kind of human you are…say what you will, but you will never know my heart…Just because I say yes, doesn’t always make it easier to swallow, that that man is heaven and unless those two kids accepted Christ they may be in Hell…that brings us to a discussion of Justice…something that would be way too difficult to type out. Anyways…i’ve probably written too much already.
    Romans 5:8


    Good question. It bugs me when “Christians” that will answer yes to that question will then say that Jehovah’s Witnesses are going to hell.

    I don’t think that a “Christian” that says yes to that question is actually getting his or her “Christ” out of the Bible.


    All I know is that it says in the bible if you are born again you will go to heaven. Let’s face it, the whole heaven hell thing is a profound mystery that none of us can answer 100% for sure. I can’t say who will and who won’t go to heaven. I do know that God knows our individual hearts and it is between us and him — no one else.

    dr schmitty

    this is really a shame- so many christians do this: they back out of the tough questions with “only god knows” or some other throwing up of the hands. The fact is that if you believe the bible as the word of god there really IS NO QUESTION. You people have got to take the convenient with the difficult; you cant just pick and choose the passages you like from the bible


    Well…he sinned…he could go to Hell whether he’s a Christian or not…..just cause your a Christian doesnt mean you wont sin….and as for the two boys…if they were not saved..they would go to Hell….


    I don’t think you will find anyone on Yahoo qualified to answer that. I think only God knows where any of them are going despite claims of salivation only God can know a person’s heart.

    Robert A

    Your question actually ansewers the fallacy in the Christian faith.

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