…tattoo of a verse.? i like psalms but any book from the Bible is good .
thank you for your ideas
to the guy that answered first i dont belaeve that is the same since the new testiment but its really what you think is right .it also says to not touch grave sites but its ok now that was a jewish custom google todd bentely
Well mine isn’t a verse it is a prayer.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can ,
and wisdom to know the difference
to all of those who say the bible says tattoos are wrong, YOU are wrong!! It states that marking the skin in a ceremonial way or sacrifice is wrong. Any ceremonies or sacrifices going on? Then it goes on to say that marking the body in remembrance is a sin.
Jesus saves. Short verse so it won’t hurt as much.
Well, you can’t say, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” cuz then you would have to give the tattoo artist a tattoo also.
oh goody thats where my favorite verse comes from, it is psalms 56:3, “what time I am afraid, i will put my trust in thee” KJV, look at differant bibles because they are all worded differantly. Maybe.. look through a bible and make a list of your favorite verses? Good luck!!!
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