on my foot, but not sure what to get any suggestions??
I want to get a butterfly on my anke. You could get a rose maybe….
Try some AWESOME quote like “Living my life to its fullest.” That will be amazing and super cute. n also sexxy. Don’t mind the judgemental haters.
Hippie Shareef
1. A flower or plant (with the green stem and leaves trailing up your ankle towards your leg?)
2. Your name or boyfriend’s name?
3. I know everyone has them but they do look GOOD) A tiger or dragon (A small dainty one of course!)
maybe a kind of chain of flowers?
If you don’t know what to get – then don’t get one.
Why ask a stranger to comment on something that is so individual?
my friend just got HUGE cheeries on her foot, and personally, i dont like it.. at all. Make sure you get something small and cute..alot of people get something with a flow like a few butterflies or stars that flow with the shape of you foot. Kind of hard to explain what i mean, but yeah. I have a tattoo on my sholder blade and i didnt think it really hurt. But my friend who got the tattoo on her foot said it was horribleeeeeeee, then again, it was a biggggg tatttoo, but she also already has 2 and she said this one was the worst. So my suggestion is to get something small and something with movement
get one on your belly with tiny writing, itll make ur winky look bigger !!!!!!!!
lol!i’m planning to get 1 on my ankle.u should think about it carefully since it would be permanent u know..choose d 1 that u really love or like…for example i LOVE butterfly so much that’s why i’m gonna go get 1 sooner or later.lol!
think bout the things that u like or some memories that u wanna keep n got carved in ur body permanently.. x]
well don’t do something you have an obsession with at the moment…like i love fall out boy cuz you probably won’t when your 80, get something meaningful, when people ask about it you don’t want to say “just cuz” maybe a symbol of an obstacle you’ve over come, or something that reminds you of the best moment of you life etc
I like those tiny lizzards, like a chain of those…
Or this, looks like a good idea…take a look!
I like either a small flower with color on the foot or a couple of stars… I’ve seen them both..they both look cute!
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