survived my first year of uni. Read details! PIERCINGS
*Third hole in ears
*Wrist (I’d like it so that the barbells (I think that’s their name) had little chains in between them and one round the palm side of my wrist, like a floating bracelet
*Japanese kanji for ‘sexy’ on my boobs
I’m thinking I prefer a piercing, but I want to know if anybody could add any pros and cons to each piercing.
*3rd ear hole: Easiest to cover/heal of the lot; least maintenance, most practical
*Wrist: Looks pretty, unusual
*Navel: Doesn’t hurt much from what I’ve heard
*Tattoo: ‘Secret’ (hehe)
*All: keloids/rejection/scarring/infection
*Ears: Will hurt more the higher up I go (Second holes hurt more than first)
*Wrist: Could snag, might get into trouble if told to ‘take it off’, would mean working in an environment where jewellery is unacceptable is a nono
*Navel: I freely admit I have a crap stomach at the best of times, usually hidden, gets infected easily
*Tatt: Permanent, hardest to remove
*Tattoo: Sagging when older
I could do… but I want to know what’s best, going on my tohughts and other peoples’ thoughts and experiences
Can’t you just go out and get drunk one night with your friends to celebrate and call it good?
1. I don’t really have any mates
2. Everybody’s gone home for the hols, virtually, or is doing exams
3. My closest mate is a Catholic who…. basically, is more like a 25 year old than a student (18)! She doesn’t drink (She’s a Catholic, that’s fine), go clubbing (again fine… but I like going out sometimes) and she doesn’t think typical student life is ‘normal’ (?! WTF?)
The wrist piercing will hurt a lot more than any of the others. I have a genital piercing and that hardly hurt at all but I would not even consider getting my wrist pierced because of the pain involved.
I don’t get it…. how could a wrist piercing possibly hurt more than a genital piercing?
How about doing something like getting a body casting done? It’s cool, unique and fun, it celebrates your body and creates a piece of art and does not scar. You could do this in addition to any piercings or tattoos you want done.
Nice idea…. but a) where to store it? and b) cost?
Ewww don’t get the anything, especially the wrist, that sounds painfull. I can just imagine it being caught on something and then like tearing out. Owwwwww.
well done on finishing your first year.
Don’t get a tattoo on your boobs. Breasts are such a beautiful thing – why mark them with a tattoo. Might seem like a good idea now, but imagine in a few years – will you still like it? Will your partner like it???
I’d recommend top of your ear – I’ve had it done twice – not bad, but does sting.
Navel is good too – this stings, and you have to look after it well to avoid infection. Don’t worry about not having it on show all the time, as it looks a bit chav if you’ve got it on show .
the third hole in the ear is the only one i would maybe do( and maybe the tattoo) dont do the other stuff
Please do not do that.
Just please do not.
Congrats for your first year. It harder than ppl realise.
Do the piercing in your ear. It don’t hurt third up. Got mine 9 times. (done self)
Do your belly next year.or when you graduate in your final year, think and celebrate your achievement in style.
Don’t do tats. They are there for life…… and in time you will regret them. Paid fortune to have mine lazered off.
Piercings close and heal, but your academic achievements will last forever. Just party, and enjoy. You don’t need to damage yourself. Your pride and success is all you need.
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