    Tiffany A

    I got my tattoo on my left shoulder blade Friday, May 9th and it is now about 5 days afterwards and I’m having soreness and tenderness and occs. itching around the area. When washed with the all the aftercare instructions I’m still having scabbing on the tattoo and kind of looks like flaking off of skin and the color of the tattoo. I do everything that the aftercare ins. provided – including ins. from my artist. I’m just wondering if this is normal for the healing process? I’m just worried that the scabbing and the flaking and loss of color is maybe something of the sort that my body isn’t accepting the tattoo, or if it is the normal healing process..? Please Help!


    Its normal and do not pick at the scab let it heal. and you will lose some color but not a lot you should be fine within 2 weeks after you got it done so i would wait about than and see how you feel. keep up the good work with the aftercare and everything should be fine! good luck


    The Flaking and itching is normal even after the 5 days. I wouldn’t recomend using patroleum Jelly like the one guy said, due to the fact that it draws the color out of the tattoo…so stick with the ointment the artist gave you or told you to use.

    Miss moon

    Good job with keeping up with the instructions. What you’re describing sounds normal, keep in mind that is important to keep it lubricated. This will help with the itchiness and scabbing. Tattoo Goo is fabulous stuff!

    LaRae L

    the scabbing and flaking is normal. you will see ink with the flakes but it shouldn’t do any harm to your tat. do not pick at the scabs and do not pick any lose flakes that are still connected. once everything has flaked off and you think your tattoo isn’t as vibrant as it should be then go back to the artist. hopefully he will retouch it at no charge. if it itches then slap it a bit. not too hard…just do not scratch at it. i have a upper back piece and after both sessions it was sore for about a week. it seems pretty normal for the location(back).

    just put unscented and dye free lotion on throughout the day to keep your tattoo moisturized and to help the healing process.

    LaRae L

    the scabbing and flaking is normal. you will see ink with the flakes but it shouldn’t do any harm to your tat. do not pick at the scabs and do not pick any lose flakes that are still connected. once everything has flaked off and you think your tattoo isn’t as vibrant as it should be then go back to the artist. hopefully he will retouch it at no charge. if it itches then slap it a bit. not too hard…just do not scratch at it. i have a upper back piece and after both sessions it was sore for about a week. it seems pretty normal for the location(back).

    just put unscented and dye free lotion on throughout the day to keep your tattoo moisturized and to help the healing process.


    use patrolyom jelly or neosporn it help for the itching. I got a tattoo to so i know what your talking about.

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