
    Hello All my name is Andrew, and I am new to this site. I currently have a arm piece on my left arm and I have been debating on extending it to a 3/4 or possible full sleeve. Also not really sure what to continue ut on with. If anyone has some advice that be awesome! I was thinking of going with a “nature” theme or somehow linking it up with the Japanese Kanji symbols for the 4 elements that I have onthe back of my calf. Not vey sure though how it would look or flow. Here is an attached picture of my work so far. Thank you all so much!

    – Andrew


    well, i’m always a fan of more ink..:p it is hard to see what that tat is though cause the pic is kinda small. i think sleeves on a guy are hot. it all depends on your personal choice though. you also need to take into consideration what kind of work you do cause some places just won’t tolerate visible tattoos.


    try getting someone to take a pic in natural light with the flash off too. that will help


    in my experience it’s always a mistake to extend for the sake of having more ink. I’d wait until it is clear in your head what you have and want, otherwise like me you end up running out of skin with so many new ideas that come into your head over the years and wish you had waited rather than just getting coverage.


    I initially started out wanting to do a 3/4 or full sleeve. Probably will end up maxing at 3/4 due to future profession. I designed and had the tattoo I have now done because I survived a tumor on my brainstem and it is meant to symbolize a tree of life, essentially. I wanted it a little edgy though and I really like the way this came out. I am just tinkering around with some ideas right now. I wanted to extended to at least a 3/4 sleeve I have an idea of how i want it to look. Things layered/over-lapping, some depth and of course color I am a fan of color ink! Here are some pictures in natural light.




    Not the best pictures but you can see what it looks like! 😀 Comment and suggestions/advice on extension and ideas are welcomed!


    Apparently the links didn’t work here are some attachments. Sorry they are kinda small but I can’t find a place to host my pictures to put them in successful links.

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