cos ive got an idea for my first tat and its some kanji symbols and i’d like to check them b4 i get thm done. any help would be gd 😀
i have some sets of kanji stuff
Put pics or scans of them up here and ill check them for you.
PS you can now use the album amnager in your profile to manage all your pics and for easy to use hosting. click onto the quick links in the nav bar and choose Your Profle. The album manager is on the right.
ok so posted from your album here are the symbols
as far as i can see the only one i have been able to identify so far is the bottom left one which looks like “hugh”
the others look really close to all sorts of symbols so far included decapitation and something to o with criminals
probably would be loads easier if you ask me for what you want and i will gfind the symbols so yu can see if they match up
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