
    How bad does a tattoo hurt? I want to get one in the next couple weeks.


    like someone digging little needles in your skin

    cuz thats what it is.


    well on a scale of 1-10. I can take pain. I just want to be prepared.


    just imagine its gonna be the worse pain you ever encountered.

    then it wont be that bad so your pleasantly surprised 🙂


    haha..I’m thinking about the inner forearm. a 9-11 tribute

    Gothic Scum

    the inner forarm is not so bad, its feels like a abrasion or a singe, more a burning than real deep pain.


    hmmm, not to be a pain in the ass, but what about the bicep?


    hi there,

    ive got 3 on my innner forarm (all making up the same tattoo) and its not so bad. Bit tender but I wouldnt call it painful at all.


    Gothic Scum

    for me, the biceps was worse than the inner forearm, its too depending on, what kinda image you wanna get, the lines are more painful than the shadows and colours and a black tribal for example hurts more than an ornament outta lines and shadows.
    but its impossible to say, how the pain feels for someone else, cause the sensation of pain is different by each person and it has nothing to do if youre old or young or if male or female.
    I agree to TurboSatan, reckon with the worst and be glad if its no so bad … and actually it cant be so bad, cause there are many people, who go thru it again and again…
    I think, that also it has a lot to do with your head, if you REALLY wanna have this tattoo, the pain wont feel as bad as by someone, who thinks: Oh, a tatt would be nice!!

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