Hey i spent a couple of years thinking about what i wanted to get for my mom, she passed when i was young and i just always wanted a in memory peice for her. I went in with some ideas and me and the artist that did my tattoo came up with this after a couple of visits. At first i had the intention of only getting this peice but after the three sessions i didnt want to stop, so i have decided i want to just dedicate my whole leg to her. I havent completely decided what else to do for it so thats why i am posting here, because i know you all have some great idea’s and can maybe throw out some of them to me. I dont necessarely want a sleeve, i dont want a bunch of random stuff all just thrown into one, I want one big peice. I want it all to flow together and all have the same realistic looking theme to it. It is hard to keep the peice realistic and making it look good, i dont want any classic/toony stuff and I am trying to keep it a bit feminant sence it is for my mom, i dont want anything manly for this peice. I was thinking maybe doing roses all the way around the base of my leg, all different colors, purple,pink,yellow….etc, and then having it transition into a heavenly looking scene further up my leg. I want some input dont be afraid to say whats on your mind but keep in mind it is for my mom.
Shredder at San Diego Tattoo did this. He did an awsome job if you ask me it was much better then i expected it to look.
First session:
Second session:
Third session:
Now i just dont know where to start next, so help me out!
looks sweet , you could have a portrait and then carry on with roses around it .
i think its hard for anyone to give input because we didnt know you mom and what was important to her ,
maybe if you brain storm and list some things that remind you of your mom or things that she liked in life we might be able to help out some more 🙂
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