
    Hello everyone, I have a few questions regarding a tattoo idea I have and other things regarding the first time you got a tattoo…

    Reason for the tattoo:
    Throughout my childhood and even now, I have always been known as the “flying saucer”. Im constantly spacing and out and procrastinating everything till the last minute. I feel that I am an intelligent human being with a childish streak.

    That being said, i literally GREW UP (been reading them since i could read) on the comic book series “calvin and hobbes”. For those of you who dont know, one of the main characters is a boy who describes all of the above characteristics. And also my nickname as “flying saucer” holds true because calvin frequently imagines himself piloting a flying saucer.

    And now the picture of the tattoo i want

    Now i have some questions for you

    1. What do you all generally think of it? For those of you who are fans of the series, that picture will make a much bigger impact on you then a normal person but im just curious

    2. I have some anxieties about getting a tattoo because of the fact that my family is kind of conservative. Even though i have multiple family members with tattoos so none of them cant really say anything, i want to know if there was any “stigma” that u had to overcome with having a tattoo….

    3. If i wanted to have that exact picture with the same size and positioning done on my back and look perfect like that will, will bringing in that picture be all i need or would i need to find and bring in more pictures of calvin in this position?

    4. Is using someone elses tatt like that considered extremely bad taste? Ive never found a picture which struck me so hard as to want to put on my body, so i really dont care either way im just curious

    Thats really it, thankyou for your time and i hope i posted this in the right place!


    Hello and Welcome. 1st, let me start with the ‘standard, short, answer’: Hey, it’s your Tattoo, get what you want. Now, with that said, hear on some of My thoughts. To me, getting Inked is not something to take lightly. What I mean is, don’t just go out in a drunken stuper and get something, just because it saounds liek a cool idea (at the time). You sound like you’ve put some thought into getting a Tat, but as you say, just never found something worth having Forever on yourself. Now it sounds like you have! Since this Tat has something to do with your nickname, not a bad reason to get it. I have learned, long ago, not to judge Anyone for their ink. As they say, ‘to each their own’. Plus, I hate it when I see people judge me, because I have alot of ink (2 full sleeves + others) without even knowing anything else about me. I work in Corporate America and since I choose to, I personally wear long sleeve shirts to work. Everyone knows I have full sleeves, because before I took a Management job, I worn short-sleeved shirts. But now that I’m a Manager, I choose not to. Simpley because, Others do and will judge you, because of your ink. Since I have to interface with outside clients, I’d rather they judge me for my knowledge and Not because they can’t get past my ink. So, if you want a Tattoo, it’s your 1st one, it’s something You like & want, Plus it’s on your back, I would lean more towards saying, Go For It. Again, I don’t judge others for what (ink) they have or don’t, but I would lean towards a No, if someone asked me,’Hey, I’d like to get a Tattoo, just because I think they are cool and for my 1st one, I want it on my neck”. I think you see my point. I have seen & heard of worse reasons for people wanting / getting inked. If You know, you’ll be happy with it, on your back Forever, then ‘Go-For-It’. You only live once, right!
    BTW, I have No regrets, for Any of the ink I have!



    Aero, thankyou very much for the vote of confidence.

    If i print out the picture i posted, will a tattoo artist be able to accurately replicate that tattoo onto the same position on my back or will i need more pictures?


    That picture should be fine. But just in case, I would bring along a few other pictures of Calvin.

    Good Luck,



    ok thanks dave!

    Some more opinions/thoughts would be appreciated tho ^^


    I love Calvin and Hobbes, i think it’s a great Idea for a tattoo. You might consider getting it a bit smaller though, Calvin really isn’t drawn with much detail so it might look better done smaller.


    @Living_Deadbeat 27994 wrote:

    I love Calvin and Hobbes, i think it’s a great Idea for a tattoo. You might consider getting it a bit smaller though, Calvin really isn’t drawn with much detail so it might look better done smaller.

    would you think it would lose its quality if not done smaller? because i want it on my back like that or not at all really


    @Aero_Dave 27984 wrote:

    Hello and Welcome. 1st, let me start with the ‘standard, short, answer’: Hey, it’s your Tattoo, get what you want. Now, with that said, hear on some of My thoughts. To me, getting Inked is not something to take lightly. What I mean is, don’t just go out in a drunken stuper and get something, just because it saounds liek a cool idea (at the time). You sound like you’ve put some thought into getting a Tat, but as you say, just never found something worth having Forever on yourself. Now it sounds like you have! Since this Tat has something to do with your nickname, not a bad reason to get it. I have learned, long ago, not to judge Anyone for their ink. As they say, ‘to each their own’. Plus, I hate it when I see people judge me, because I have alot of ink (2 full sleeves + others) without even knowing anything else about me. I work in Corporate America and since I choose to, I personally wear long sleeve shirts to work. Everyone knows I have full sleeves, because before I took a Management job, I worn short-sleeved shirts. But now that I’m a Manager, I choose not to. Simpley because, Others do and will judge you, because of your ink. Since I have to interface with outside clients, I’d rather they judge me for my knowledge and Not because they can’t get past my ink. So, if you want a Tattoo, it’s your 1st one, it’s something You like & want, Plus it’s on your back, I would lean more towards saying, Go For It. Again, I don’t judge others for what (ink) they have or don’t, but I would lean towards a No, if someone asked me,’Hey, I’d like to get a Tattoo, just because I think they are cool and for my 1st one, I want it on my neck”. I think you see my point. I have seen & heard of worse reasons for people wanting / getting inked. If You know, you’ll be happy with it, on your back Forever, then ‘Go-For-It’. You only live once, right!
    BTW, I have No regrets, for Any of the ink I have!


    Very good advice!


    I think its a great idea lol! I grew up readin those too.. funny as hell! loved all those demented snowmen he used to make!! Aero Daves advice is great & as for gettin the same tat as someone else… he took it straight from the books too soooo… its all urs!! what about gettin one where hes in his space outfit kit?? thatd look great too.
    As far as size goes… even half that size u wudnt lose any detail or definition!
    its prob too big to make a stencil so the artist will prob freehand sketch it on. all ill say is make sure ur happy with the positioning & size b4 the inking begins. if ur not happy dont be afraid to say so. then of course as soon as its done get it on here for us!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

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