I got this done about two years ago but still can’t decide on how to finish it! I want lots of colour, and was thinking of a heart in the middle but it seems a bit obvious….. so need some help thinking of some new ideas.
how about getting a heart with a hole in it .. with a bullet on ye chest
just a rough idea fella
how about a skull head or a candy skull, that would look slick!
a face of some sort definitely has to go in between the 2 pistold along their contour..if u like transformers..then put a deceptagons face! if not, i could draw you up a few ideas if u want and post them…tell me what ur into
I really like the transformers idea, not a big fan though but I do love robots generally. That would be so cool if you draw something up! I guess I’m into quite geeky things like old computer games and anime, but I can’t think of anyhing that would go well with the guns……
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