
    I would like some help from you guys out there speaking english everyday.

    I´m going to get a new tattoo tomorow its gonna be a qoute on my ribs, I would just make sure that the spelling and grama is correct, I´m gonna do it in two lines the quate is : Fall seven times (new line) stand up eight.

    Is this sentence corret? or should it be Fall seven times, Stand up eight ( , and S added)


    this really depends on what your trying to say

    fail seven times
    stand up eight

    doesnt really have any meaning to me. Maybe its a personal thing?

    whats the meaning behind it?


    There’s nothing gramatically or structurally wrong with the phrase you’re planning on having tattooed: “Fall seven times, stand up eight.” Plus, it’s a positive message promoting perseverance and determination.

    It’s worth noting, however, that “fall seven times, stand up eight” is actually a Japanese proverb roughly translated into English words. It may carry more meaning in its original form and context.

    Good luck! Let us know how it goes. 🙂

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