
    This question made me wonder if I had a lets say for example a sleeve tattoo or something and my arm was skinny and I started exercising and stuff to get muscular would my muscles getting bigger affect the appearance of my tattoos on my arm?


    Hi mate. depends how big you wanna get…..Massive muscle gain will stretch your artwork yes.


    I think it also depends on what kinda tattoo you have.

    For instance, if you have something symmetrical, such as a tattoo in the shape of a circle, it’ll be alot more noticeable if it warps. but if you have soemthing that flows with your body like say a bird or whatever, then it might not be noticeable at all.

    and of course, as x-pressive said, it really depends on how jacked you wanna get :p
    if I was planning on packing on 80lbs of muscle mass, then Id wait untill I was buff to get the tattoo.


    Well I don’t wanna get huge I just want enough to look in shape. Yes my appearance to me is important and also being fit is important i just don’t wanna be huge on my arms. But maybe thats what I will do I dont know but I asked cause in the future I do wanna get a tattoo sleeve.


    Well I’ve never noticeably increased the size of any tattoo’d areas on my body, but if you ask me (which you are i guess) Id say if you just wanna build a little muscle mass, get into shape, that sorta thing, your probably fine to get a tattoo before or after.

    Shouldn’t be a big deal, but it COULD change shape.

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