
    Hiya guys,
    I’ve just got a new segment ring for my lip piercing. And of course, I don’t have any tools, but me being me thought I could manage without them – wrong!
    I’ve got the segment bit out ok and the ring is in, I just can’t get the damn segment back in! I’ve tried, but it’s almost impossible.
    Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions? They’d be most welcome, cheers.


    Hi Spag

    Don’t you usually need some mini-pliers for that type of piercing??

    I would seriously advise getting a pro to pop it in for you – you can end up with an infection or torn lip messing around with it.

    They should be able to do it and advise you of the right pliers you need.

    Good luck



    Yes, you do. But me being me, I didn’t think about it properly and didn’t order any pliers. I just wondered if anyone had any suggestions as my ‘local’ piecer is an hour away, and I don’t drive.
    Thanks for your help though.


    Hi Spag

    Well I spoke with a mate who has the same piercing – sh says it can be done with normal pliers but you have to be real careful and sterilise them first.

    It was advised you boil them for a good 30 mins then wipe down with alcohol and use the tip to close the ring with it facing out from the lip.

    My view is that it could go hideously wrong – ripped off lip, gangrene of the lip etc (lol) :p
    Seriously though – use another piercing until you can get down to the piercer.

    Take Care



    Hiya Matthew,
    I will wait til I see my tattooist/piercer tbh, I don’t even have normal pliers being at Uni and all. Thanks for your help though. It was my bad – not ordering some pliers and what not. I guess I was just being hopeful that someone could have an alternative.


    What gauge is the segment ring?
    I have 6 gauge segment rings in my ears… for me, the hardest part was getting the piece out, I’m surprised the hard part is putting it back in for you. I don’t know how ordinary pliers would really help — unless I’m misinterpreting the question, it seems like the ring is already too small for the segment — so I would suggest finding a way to stretch out the ring a little bit. Other than that, with mine, I just put one end of the segment into its hole, with the other end still out a bit, and squeezed it with the ring until it popped in.


    It’s 8mm, I can get the segment out no problem, I can put the ring into my lip no problem, it’s just fiddling around with the segment trying to get it back in that I can’t seem to do.
    I’ve read that I need reverse pliers to open the ring ever so slightly, to put the segment back in, apparently that’s the only way to do it.


    Hey Spag

    I am glad to see you still have your lip attached 😉
    I would seriously invest in a set of pliers if you are gonna keep that piercing – and I think gettinga lip done is damn brave thing.

    Myself I am too chicken for that.

    Take Care


    Thanks Matthew, so am I!
    I did consider investing in some pliers and I probably will eventually, I just can’t right now, being a skint student and what not.



    I am always skint – it’s called marriage 😀

    What you have to realise is God gave us 2 sets of a lot of organs so we can sell the spare and keep getting more tats and piercings..


    Take it easy


    Hahaha, rather you than me then – remind me to never get married if that is the case!

    Well I’m hoping to be able to visit my local piercer this weekend, they might be able to help, but I’m doubtful as they only do certain piercings usually, and lip isn’t one of them. But it’s worth a try. Otherwise, I’ll cry or just wait to get some pliers.


    lol, so THAT’s why we have two of them…


    just curious talking about segment rings i have i 4gauge bcr in my PA but i really wanna get a segment ring is the segment really secure cause the pics i seen they look pretty easy to come apart


    they’re pretty dang secure, at least the metal ones are (can’t vouch for the plastic or whatever). In fact, I can’t get mine off unless I go to the piercer… perhaps I should invest in some pliers.

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