I just got found not guilty on a 5 year prison sentence and I have started a new life. I need some ideas for a memorial tattoo
Get the following text on your arm in bold, red, block print:
Love. Peace. Metallica.
Hi Gerguy
Whilst KH has a great view on tattoo wording (LMAO)…
Here are a few ideas;
First and foremost the idea of renewal or rebirth is a phoenix rising from the ashes. There are some legends that say they are born anew everyday.
Another is a rising sun which is rising from the ocean – again early cultures believed that the sun was born anew each day and the Egyptians belives it was pulled by a great war chariot.
So you could have a chariot and horses with a warrior (yourself) pulling a burning ball of fire.
I got my latin dictionary out
Sulum dies ego sum prognatus iterum – Each day I am born again.
Sulum = Each,every
dies = day
ego = I, self
sum = to be, exist, am
prognatus = born, sprung from, son
iterum = again, a second time, once more
Anyhow if you want something else eg biblical or other theme post up your likes – always happy to help.
Take Care
get a set of cuffs and have the words:” judge me now” written inside them….
i can see it already…. just a quick sketch of nothing….
Hi Tattman
I came over all kinky looking at that sketch
Seriously though that is a nice rough stage I could see that making a nice piece of flash art if you polished the drawing up.
Take care
why thank you mathew… might just do that actually…
No one else asked but what the hell i’ll go for it . What were your charges?
as far as memorial peice (this is something im thinkin about) I’d go for the classic “Fuck The Police” in Old E
I’m currently involved in a criminal court case……… pretty shitty
I got Hemmed up in Trafficking Charges, Federal level
Love. Peace. Metallica.
Hahhha…shit man, you are BRUTAL!!! I love that about you….:D
Oh and Welcome to the forum gergguy900!!!
no dramas brother.. send me a pm and we will go from there…
incidere novus semita
cut a new path.
Lux lucis Illustro Meus Atrum Semita.
Light to Illuminate my dark path.
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