
    So for the past 3 months or so I’ve been trolling the forum just reading around and looking at all the different aspects of tattooing and I finally got my own the night I turned 18 🙂


    The words are from the lyrics of a Local band called the Fall of babylon
    in the song itself they are talking about jesus but i’m not exactly a religious person but still found it to be powerful.

    in my case, the “this” is ambiguous because it is meant to fill in what is relevant in my life at the time, wheter it be now or 40 years from today. Basically a reminder that we all have something to live for 🙂

    tell me what you think 🙂

    as for who did it, it was done by Pika at Inkfactuation tattoos in Port Hueneme California


    looks nicely done 😎



    As far as text goes, it’s alright. Really though, it’s kinda bland, and it doesn’t have the kind of message that’ll jump up and smack you in the face with its cock. Overall, for a baby tat it’s good, but don’t expect any overjoyed reactions.

    Love. Peace. Metallica.


    Dont like the font, the linings not the best, but if you’re happy who cares:D



    Not a bad tattoo at all and is an unusual font style – gives it a jagged, cut into the flesh look.

    My only constructive criticism is you could do with just a tad more shading and bolding on the inside of the letters.

    I know it is a personal choice but I just think it would really make things stand out more.

    Also if you wanted to expand (ink is addictive)
    You could go for some ivy trellis or drop shadowing on or around the lettering.

    Nice piece though and I hope you wear it with pride.

    Take Care

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