Hey guys so im working on a tattoo i want to get done on my ribs, its just a sketch and the writing isnt going to be in that font but i just wanted to put it in so i know more or less what it will look like, except i dont know what else to put in the background? The tattoo is based on music and i want it to have a rock and roll feel to it, im not so keen on skulls though. I want it to kind of represent a journey for me and is the reason why im getting it and my love for music. So if you guys have any ideas let me know, thanks 🙂
(dont know why theres that share this image on twitter bit i guess thats where imageshack get their money from :/ )
That’s pretty cool. Lots of colour will make it shine. I like that you chose a Les Paul too.;)
Nice idea looks like it will work too
however thats a lot of small writing , how large are you going with this tattoo ?
Nice design idea but as Butterlfy states that is going to have to be quite a big piece to stop the writing from blurring with age.
Have you considered moving the banner slightly so that you can hang it more over the centre of the star this will allow for greater spacng on the letters and still give it the wrap around effect.
Let us know when you get it done.
Take Care
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