
    I’ve had the rasta guy since i was 16 def one of those regreatable one’s, my artist been talking bout a cover up for a while now and i’ve decided on a japanese sleeve, got a Hanya mask done on the inside of my arm, but now i’m stuck with which way to work in the rasta guy, any ideas would be great…

    cheer’s g





    how do i post pics tried to put some on here n there not there


    the pics r now in my profile 3 of them



    Nice start on the sleeve.

    I will be honest it will not be an easy tattoo to cover as green is an utter bastard to cover over or remove with a laser treatment.

    That said you could have the demon of winds covering the rasta.

    Basically it is a series of black storm clouds that form into the shape of a leering demon – sort of like a twisted budda.

    It is sometimes represented by a forked toungue spewing blood or fire.

    Variations have been swords piercing the demon under the chin up through the skull, causing the storm clouds to spill from the split skull.

    You could have a samurai in trad battle dress over it.

    A dragon would also work quite nicely as you could enhance the green into the scales.

    Hope they help as ideas.

    Take Care


    cheer’s for the idea’s was thinking bout a samurai but talking to my artist and he was worried bout having the colour’s coming through the highlihght’s of the cloak i’m liking the idea of the demon of winds going to have to research that see I can come up with

    thank’s ya got me thinking


    finally found out how to post pics these 3 photo’s show my problem


    Ha ha. I got the cart before the horse. I was looking at the first pic and thinking, “My God, it’s great, why is he covering that up? I don’t see how it’s rastafari” then I scrolled down. Doh! Sleeve is looking great though!


    Jesus that rasta man is awful. This is why sixteen year olds shouldn’t be allowed to get tattoos!

    On the other hand, that demon is as good as the rasta is bad.

    Otherwise, just listen to Matthew. He’s right as usual.

    Love. Peace. Metallica.

    KnightHawk;39865 wrote:
    Jesus that rasta man is awful. This is why sixteen year olds shouldn’t be allowed to get tattoos!

    On the other hand, that demon is as good as the rasta is bad.

    Otherwise, just listen to Matthew. He’s right as usual.

    Love. Peace. Metallica.

    yeah it prove’s that we dont really know ourself’s at that age i remember thinking that’s exactly what i want, the tattooist tried to talk me out of it but i knew best didnt i lol.

    Been looking for design’s on the demon of winds but cant find any would any1 have any so i can get an idea of what it could look like

    cheers g



    I was hoping to scan the image I had from a book and realised I still need to get it back from them. 😡
    Because it is mythological to the japanese culture you can see various interpretations.

    Some of them look like a leering and twisted budda with horns with a split skull spewing clouds.

    I have a few links for modern wind demons as well

    http://www.tattooartists.org/Gal5193_computer_graphics.asp (modern take on ademon of winds no splt skull though)


    Anyhow hope they help – you can tweak them to fit your tattoo

    Take Care


    cheers the one on the t-shirt is more traditional and more the style i’m after would need darker colour’s but i’m liking it alot think it could be worked in well

    thanks for your help going to show them to my artist see what he can draw up

    cheer’s g


    Sorry not been on in a while fecking work, have not really had time to get any more work done but have been round discussing design’s for this cover up, started looking at a geisha girl had it drawen on def nice tattoo but the rasta was def going to show through too much went for a dragon next, maybe could have worked well but as i’ve 2 dragon’s on my legs I was looking something a bit different….

    After many discussion’s, many beers, few smoke’s we’ve finally decided on a design it’s something really different, bold and strikein i’ve not seen any tatt’s like what it is, I just really hope it work’s on the skin .

    I’m going round on wednesday to get it started i’m not telling what it’s going go be i’ll surprise you’s

    Wish me luck


    PMSL sorry but why would a cracker get a rasta tattoo ?

    i love the mask , i think you could get a koi to cover the other tattoo .
    a black white and red one would work well .
    check this link out , she is a friend i have gotten to know after she commented on some of my photography and she is brilliant at cover ups……. sadly she is in spain but you will get some ideas of what can be done


    also check out this for a chuckle


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