
    I hope this is a decent area to post this question…
    But any of you know of any tattoo and or body modification movies or documentaries?

    The documentaries that I know of are:
    Flesh and Blood – An interesting movie. It focuses on “suspensions” a little too long for my liking…get’s repetitious, but still worth watching if you haven’t seen it.
    Modify, the Movie – Another documentary that focuses on body modifications. I found this one to be slightly more interesting.

    I also saw this show on the history channel, I believe, about tattoo culture. Some guy went and tried to discover the oldest tattoo traditions…where they originate…bla bla bla…
    An interesting show.

    The Tattooist – A tattoo artist steals an ancient tattooing tool and becomes the carrier of a curse. The curse causes every person he tattoos to die a slow and painful death. I liked this movie quite a bit.

    So, again…watch those.
    They’re interesting.

    And recommend more?


    Bumping this one a bit. Interesting topic;D


    I can’t seem to edit…
    But thanks for the bump and I found out “Ancient Ink” was the title of the documentary that focused on trying to find the oldest form of tattooing.


    My old Tattooist in Nottingham (Danny) use to say Tattooing is the world’s 2nd oldest profession – ha ha

    In all seriousness they have found mummified bodies that are 9000 years old that have tattoos on them

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