
    hey guys!!! wheres the best place you can get some top quality tattoo deigns for free without any complications????

    and is it allowed to copy designs off websites for your own use or is that against the law??


    depends what you’re copying, no good tattoo artist will copy someone elses tattoo

    Izarrasink;41925 wrote:
    depends what you’re copying, no good tattoo artist will copy someone elses tattoo

    em… im not a tattoo artist im just lookin a few designs for free as i cant do it myself? if you where me. where would you get designs?? any help at all would be sweet???


    Hi Barnballs

    Copying any image without permission is illegal unless the image is in the public domain or expressly given usage consent by the owner.

    That said….

    If you get a series of images off the net and take it to an artist to draw up your custom piece then I cannot see the tattoo police chasing you about it. 😉

    Have a look at google images, deviant art, books and even art galleries for inspiration – the artist just needs an idea of what you want as many will not do a straight copy of somebody’s tattoo from a picture.

    Take Care


    You can get high quality tattoo designs for free here or just check out my signature.

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