Hey guys! 🙂
Im new to this and looking for some creative ideas.
Im looking to get my first tattoo! I’ve wanted one for a long time, and I’ve decided I 100% want one.
Not too sure what I want thought… Want something a bti different, not what most girls have (e.g. stars etc).I’ve been doing my research, but would just like to know if anyone could think of anything I may not have thought of.
I only really want a medium sized one, probably on my hip but am open to other places if they sound cool enough 🙂
Im very girley, but I also love (not sure how to describe) ‘heavy, metal, sexy’ stuff
So any ideas?
Thank you for anything in advance!
Hmm… didn’t really give us much to work with.
I’d say sit down, and write 10 words/sayings that you think fit you the best.
Then get 5 of your favorite bands/symbols/items
&& just go to your local tattoo artist and say ” okay, here’s what I’m interested in. Draw me up something you see fitting and we’ll go from there”.
As for the location; hips, ribs, and feet are good locations for girls wanting to show off but keep it hidden when needed.
The foot hurts something terrible! least painful, I would say shoulder/upper arm. Butt side of hip hurts pretty bad too, at least mine did, I think it got close to that nerve, don’t know how to spell it but it sounds like si-attic. Anyhow, I have always felt first tatto should be meaningful to you. I am pretty much a girly-girl too, and want all my tats to be feminine. I have found that if you get flowers in with what ever you decide on, it adds a more feminine look to it. And bright colors keep them looking more girly. I would suggest your favorite flower, or look around on the internet to find something unusual that would suit you. Good luck finding your perfect design!
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