
    Just wondering what the pain level, side effects, things to watch out for etc. are about piecing your nipples as a guy?



    Hi Squale

    I had my nipple pierced when I was 16 the pain going in was pretty bad but bearable – about the same as an ear lobe maybe a bit more.
    The pain afterwards was the bit I found hard – it aches like a bastard and swells up.
    Your shirt rubbing on it as well is no joke.

    Overall though it is pretty much tolerable.

    Things to watch for though is a clean pierce not just the needle – you do not want it too shallow and tearing out (and although we don’t need them I would feel silly if I lost one).

    The other is not to go too deep through the flesh as can cause major infection.

    The other issue is keeping it clean – you have to be really strict about it and clean it really well.

    Also make sure that the hole does not get bunged up with sweat and gunk from your body oils.

    Apart from that I am sure you will be fine – if I can survive it anybody can.

    Take Care


    its quick and easy without too much discomfort… the next hour or so will be a burning numbing sensation…
    as for aftercare….. keep it clean and healthy, when i did both mine i washed them regular with warm salty water, it stings a litte but it dries up the area and aids healing nicely


    It’s about a 7/10 on the pain scale… and this is coming from someone who is a complete “sissy” when it comes to getting inked. [Collar bones, shin, KNEE…lol yeah]

    The procedure it self is a 7/10 on the pain scale, but on the “annoying scale” during healing it is about a 9.9/10 lol.

    That’s from a piercing apprentice standpoint, and having both done [but taken out becuase they just aren’t cool on “man boobs” lol.]


    i watched a 34 year old man – my best friend – bend the bench he was in when he had his nipple pierced. also the first time i ever saw him cry

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