
    Ok so yesterday i ran into a tattoo artist that has been doing them for years but still does them out of his house. I am wanting to get into it and he said he would teach me for a month for 250 dollars. I really want to do it but i would like some feed back on if its a good idea or not…

    Would love to hear back soon…
    Have a good day!!! :p


    id say to stay away from him, if he has been tattooing from his home in years and never worked in a shop its prob because he is crap .

    no decent shop will have you in after you learnt that way !


    It takes more than a month to become a tattoo artist im sure you know. There is nothing wrong with home tattooist as long as they know exactly what they are doing and have strict hygiene procedures. An apprenticeship with a reputable shop is the way to go if you can get one.

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