
    So I’ve often wondered how it is for you tattoo people to draw super super straight, parallel lines?

    For instance, I am a guitar/bass player and if I want to get a guitar tattoo… will the strings and the bands and the neck and the lot ever be really straight? (Ignoring the fact that skin and muscles bend, of course :))

    And if I get it small enough to fit my whimpy arms sideways, will it even be clear in 20 years? I guess the space between the strings doesn’t get much more than 1-2mm?


    In my opinion, it would depend on the artist, (1mm, probably not, 2mm maybe) but at that small, in 20 years, you might not be able to notice them even being there.


    lets just say we dont use a ruler to get straight lines….. so choose your artist wisely ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Arni, We can do straight lines. If we’re experienced, and yes the guitar will be fine, HOWEVER, in most tattoos of guitars, the strings aren’t there. They simply don’t translate and are too small, you’d never notice if I hadn’t toldja.


    on la ink the other week the slightly older of the other two female artist did two guitar tattoo’s on some guys legs ( one on each )
    and they looked brilliant but in tens years time i think the middle will be a blur .

    S.Neill;47095 wrote:
    Arni, We can do straight lines. If we’re experienced, and yes the guitar will be fine, HOWEVER, in most tattoos of guitars, the strings aren’t there. They simply don’t translate and are too small, you’d never notice if I hadn’t toldja.

    Hmm… so I guess that if I want a stringed instrument tattoo, I’ll go for the Bass (thicker strings, further spaced appart) and make the tat much bigger ๐Ÿ˜€


    where do you plan on placing it on you ? that could make a difference also i imagine ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Hi Arni

    Straight lines are usually done free hand so done very carefully! ๐Ÿ˜€

    You need at least 2 mm space because otherwise it will just blur away to a blob in later years.

    I have very rarely seen any guitar strings on tattoos because they are very difficult to keep from blurring.

    Take Care

    Butterfly_Kisses;47157 wrote:
    where do you plan on placing it on you ?

    No plan really. It’s just one of the many many ‘images’ on my list of stuff that defines me. There are at least 40 different things I want tattooed on me right now, and ideas come to me regularly ๐Ÿ˜€


    hahah ๐Ÿ˜€

    for fun you should list all 40 ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


    I may end up asking something about each and every one of them in here… just you wait ๐Ÿ˜€

    ArniVidar;47067 wrote:
    So I’ve often wondered how it is for you tattoo people to draw super super straight, parallel lines?

    For instance, I am a guitar/bass player and if I want to get a guitar tattoo… will the strings and the bands and the neck and the lot ever be really straight? (Ignoring the fact that skin and muscles bend, of course :))

    And if I get it small enough to fit my whimpy arms sideways, will it even be clear in 20 years? I guess the space between the strings doesn’t get much more than 1-2mm?

    this is a really nice design and the distance between the strings is good for a tattoo I’d say

    link: http://fav.me/d1k9g00

    CruisingComet;47256 wrote:
    this is a really nice design and the distance between the strings is good for a tattoo I’d say

    Yeah… thank you.. I think this concept looks even better than having the entire neck all bending around the muscles and never looking straight anyway. And getting rid of the neck, allows for the body to be bigger, and thus better detail and less blobs ๐Ÿ™‚


    i love the design on that link ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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