
    Hello, my name is Billster, I’m an apprentice for “Tattooman” Mike Miller at Devine Line Tattoo and piercing in Warrenton, Va. USA.
    Part of my training is to find out information on Tattoo Life Magazine, newsletter for the Tattoo Club of the Confederacy and its founder. Why is “Tattoo Life” important? How did this person persuade the powers that be to allow tattooing in this particular area? And what well known tattooer was this persons African Safari hunting buddy? As well as info on Grandpa Groovys’ real name and the Tattoo Club of the Confederacy

    Thank you in advance for any help you can offer!??



    This link might help


    Take Care


    if part of your training is to research the above information then why are you asking on a forum…… surely in respect to your mentor you should be doing the research yourself and not asking others what they know…

    you have the powers of a computer and the never ending resource information on the internet.. and that is much easier than if an apprentice was aske to do this before the internet was available

    I hope your mentor reads this post that you have written, it certainly would not impress me if i had asked someone to find the information and they simply asked for other peoples knowledge on the matter over an open forum…. and no doubt you will be using copy and paste facility before printing it out and pretendig you have done your research.

    get off your arse and search for information yourself, your mentor is teaching you to use your brain and work things out for yourself..


    We are thinking about sacking our apprentice for this very reason. He has one month to get his arse into gear or he’s kicked to the curb


    Well to be fair it took me around 40 secs to locate the link and is fascinating reading.

    @ Billster with teh inetrnet research is not hard but you just need to validate your sources tio amek sure accurate.

    I would also recommend a trip to your records hall as they will have minutes of the meetings that covered health zoning and tattooing agreements for the year it was introduced.

    Also check state legislature as a starting point.

    I intend to write a book on the various tattoo laws across the UK and States as soon as I get my next piece written.

    Take Care


    First off , thanks Sherav for the link, it was the first piece of information I found too, about a week ago and your last post that points me in the right directions.
    As for outlaw and izzarasink, if you were new to tattooing and were asked to find info on tattoo life magazine, its founder, why is “Tattoo Life” important? How did this person persuade the powers that be to allow tattooing in this particular area? And what well known tattooer was this persons African Safari hunting buddy and was given no tips on how to find this info? First I found all the info on tattoo life magazine, miki vialetto thought I was nuts, wrong Magazine. Next Mike gave me Grandpa Groovy and the Tattoo club of the Confederacy as a hint which gave me the history link, and it still doesn’t answer my questions! How am I supposed to find this info without the internet? A smart person doesn’t know ALL the answers, but he does know where to find them! With this task I’ve learned SO much about the history of tattooing and the important people involved. Mike said this was a “Mr Miagi” task and now I understand.
    I hope my mentor reads this too…



    I was checking over the regs for Pennsylvania (see below)


    It would seem that the only main reg is that against tattooing minors – the rest is about health codes and sterility.

    So my guess is that perhaps PA had a series of scratchers that were tattooing anybody regardless of age and the argument will have been that by allowing sanctioned and licenesed studios this will have cut out much of this illegal trade.

    However it seems that the Council have issues about zoning and just want tattoo shops to be on the outskirts of town – that might be worth digging around zoning laws for shops of an adult nature.

    I think the year you need to start looking through is 1973 to 1974. This will coincide with the introductory move to bring tattooing in PA from the kitchen to the studio.

    Apologies I do not have more time to devote to it but the thing but when I get more time I am certainly going to dig through it.

    Take Care


    This was what I ended up with, Mike was happy with my efforts!:)

    “Tattoo Life Magazine” was the original newsletter for the “Tattoo Association of the Confederacy” formed in 1979 and combined with the National Tattoo Associations “Needlepoint Magazine” its First issue was March 14 1979 and continued until 1990.
    Its founder was Bob “Grandpa Groovy” MacMahan
    “Tattoo Life” is important because of its many “Firsts” in the tattoo community. Such as promoting the highest standards for professionalism, legislation, health, education and safety. As well as improvements in quality equipment and techniques which make leaps and bounds in the advancement of Tattooing for its members.
    How did “Grandpa Groovy” persuade the powers that be to allow tattooing in this particular area? By having a nurse to speak to the board in Winchester on the real statistics on hepatitis and other blood borne pathogens in the tattoo industry.
    What well known tattooer was this persons African Safari hunting buddy? Huck Spaulding
    With this task I’ve learned SO much about the history of tattooing and the important people involved. Mike said this was a “Mr Miagi” task and now I understand.
    Also, my mentor Mike “Tattoman” Miller was Grandpa Groovys apprentice.

    Laws I believe were influenced by these organizations.
    Virginia Code
    Title 15.2. Counties, Cities and Towns.
    ARTICLE 1. Public Health and Safety; Nuisances.
    15.2-912. Regulation of tattoo parlors and body-piercing salons; definition; exception. —

    A. Any locality may by ordinance regulate the sanitary condition of the personnel, equipment and premises of tattoo parlors and body-piercing salons and specify procedures for enforcement of compliance with the disease control and disclosure requirements of §§ 18.2-371.3.

    B. For the purposes of this section:

    “Body-piercing salon” means any place in which a fee is charged for the act of penetrating the skin to make a hole, mark, or scar, generally permanent in nature. “Body piercing” does not include the use of a mechanized, presterilized ear-piercing system that penetrates the outer perimeter or lobe of the ear or both.

    “Tattoo parlor” means any place in which is offered or practiced the placing of designs, letters, scrolls, figures, symbols or any other marks upon or under the skin of any person with ink or any other substance, resulting in the permanent coloration of the skin, including permanent make-up or permanent jewelry, by the aid of needles or any other instrument designed to touch or puncture the skin.

    C. This section shall not apply to medical doctors, veterinarians, registered nurses or any other medical services personnel licensed pursuant to Title 54.1 in performance of their professional duties.

    D. Localities requiring regulation of tattoo parlors and piercing salons by ordinance shall include in such ordinance authorization for unannounced inspections by appropriate personnel of the locality.

    (1983, c. 429, §§ 15.1-28.3; 1997, c. 587; 2000, c. 842; 2001, c. 270.)

    1989 Tatto Life Magazine- found on the net
    Alliance of Professional Tattooists
    National Tattoo Association
    DPOR webstite

    Sherav;47657 wrote:
    I intend to write a book on the various tattoo laws across the UK and States and most importantly, down under, as soon as I get my next piece written.

    Take Care

    Edited for accuracy 😀


    Hi Joker

    You know in all seriousness that is an issue I have heard where some zones have different laws so it can literally mean a different law on one side of the street to the other.

    Anyhow I am making a start on it as my other project is getting shelved as I am waiting on copyright verifications that take an age.

    Take Care


    I don’t even know the laws surrounding it haha. I worked at a school for a while, and there were kids around with professionally done tribal tattoos, yet I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to tattoo a minor. Oh well, I guess it’s who you know…

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