
    Hi, im very new to this forum, so WHAD UP EVERY ONE!?..

    i need your help with something..

    I have a story, I have been tattoing now for about 3 1/2 years, its my hustle.. its how i put food on the table because i didnt wanna sell anything/rob anyone.. so yes im guilty of doing it out of my crib to the neighbors and whatnot.. i have done thousands and i believe i am good enough if not better than some tattoo artists i seen in shops around where i live..i am covered in tats but i have only been in a tattoo shop twice, once when my girl was gettin a piercing, and once cause i was drunk and thought it would be funny if i went in and tryed to get one knowing they wernt cause i was piss drunk..(haha)

    Problem is, everytime i call the shops i get shot down either because thier so secluded to the people they know and are scared to venture out to new people, or thier just too arrogant..

    Im gonna put a couple pictures of my work on here and can yall please give me your honest opinion good or bad i dont give a shit, just be honest so i should know if i should go forth in my venture of trying to make it in the shop or not..


    So the picture uploading shit didnt work, so just click this link its my myspace.. promise no spam!…thanks again..Keep in mind some look like shit because some were when i first started to my skill now.. and i think theres one on there thats not even finished yet..



    hi , i looked at your work and this one stands out as a decent tattoo

    some of the others not so brilliant , i think if you wanted to work in a tattoo shop you are going to have to start from the bottom and re learn all over again .
    working from your home,friends etc gives the tattoo industry a bad impression .
    ( my opinion anyways )



    First of all I would like to say that you do have talent and that shows in your work.
    However your technique needs refining in certain areas;

    The thing that jumped out was the lining depth and grey wash that does let you down on some of your work. They need to be bolder and more use of shadowing.

    You could also improve by studying/drawing from anatomy sketches to improve proportionality on human tats.

    If you want my serious advice I would pit together a serious portfolio of hand drawn flash work, sketches, portraits etc and place yourself around some studios.

    If you take those tattoo pictures in that will just cause ire and contention with a tattoo artist who did the apprentice route.

    If you are serious about apprenticeship then I would say hang up the machine get on with some serious drawings and get yourself out there.

    If you get under the wing of a serious pro your tattooing will go from average to excellent.

    Take Care


    THANKS!!! this helped.. im definatly not the best.. i was just saying in a sence of… my potential to eventually sit down in a shop and make some cash.. i love the art and all, its my second nature.. but when you live in DC… its just money money money bills, then you die..

    Butterfly_Kisses;47562 wrote:
    hi , i looked at your work and this one stands out as a decent tattoo

    some of the others not so brilliant , i think if you wanted to work in a tattoo shop you are going to have to start from the bottom and re learn all over again .
    working from your home,friends etc gives the tattoo industry a bad impression .
    ( my opinion anyways )

    I also wanna say, the hands and the cross you liked, and the skulls, but all the other ones peolpe just came to me with that exact drawing on paper and said “do this on me” i forgot to mention that.. my more creative ones are when people accually want art and not numbers and letters haha i tend to get really involved with the ones that are my choice to do..


    I haven’t looked at your portfolio on MySpace. Your other thread and honestly your attidude in your introduction in this thread shows an absolute disregard for the industry and unless you change your attitude towards tattooing you will never get in a studio…good or not.

    Artists in this industry sacrificed a LOT to be where they are…but like you said in another thread…one idiot said to another idiot…you see for you its…what did you call it?…your hustle…it puts food on your table…and so on. To tattooists its more than a hustle…its their life. This is the second thread I’ve read that you have posted in and you’ve managed to degrade the art in both of them. You have no respect for the artists who have gotten where they are through hard work and sacrifice and YOUR arrogance is what is going to keep you out of a studio, not your talent.

    Some artists are arrogant, some have a right to be, and some just are because they are tired of dealing with people like you. And before you lump me in that same catagory, you might want to learn something about me.

    My suggestion to you is to look in the mirror and decide if the person you are protraying yourself to be is going to get you where you want and if not then something needs to change. Got it…homie?


    So…against my better judgement I looked at your MySpace profile. Whats with the gun, you think your some kinda gangsta? Oh and look at the occupation. Pimp? and all you can make is less than
    $30 grand? Grow up. I picked you out before I even looked at your profile. Youre a 20 year old stupid kid. I doubt you know anything about gang life and you damn sure don’t know anything about guns if your holding one like that. (And before you even think about telling me I don’t either…you BETTER learn something about me.) You want to be a tattooist, you better grow up. There is no room in a pro shop for that stupid crap, and NO pro shop worth getting tattooed in would hire you once they saw your MySpace page if that is how you protray yourself.



    You will shatter or at very least sprain your wrist firing a gun like that also you won’t hit a damn thing because of the kick.

    Palm grip into a supporting palm and relax those shoulders.

    I would suggest a sawn off more spread = more dead 😉

    Take Care

    flying eyeball tattoo

    Oh no, this kid’s into guns too? Now we’re really wandering into my lane. Now I have to take a closer look.

    flying eyeball tattoo

    I just looked at hs MySpace profile. I don’t see any point trying to dissuade this idiot from what he’s doing. He’s obviously not someone who’s going to listen.

    His profile advertises him as a dope smoking street thug wann a be gangsta who “Will kill ya.” He even admits in his pics that getting high is what he does in his off time.

    This guy pisses me off in so many ways. He’s an insult to both my professions which are both deadly when performed the wrong ways. As a tactical rifle instructor I’m angry with this kid for his lack of trigger and muzzle discipline common with street thugs like him. Fingers almost always stuck on the trigger, no regards to where the muzzle is pointed, and shooting stances are the lousiest on earth. Instead of using a stance that helps them hit their target, they choose one they think will look cool asa they miss and hit innocent bystanders.

    This kid’s got only 2 forseeable destinies. Prison or gang related death.


    i glanced at the tat’s and see a bit of potential then i checked the profile – what a turn off… if i had a shop and checking for artists, seeing that profile – no chance… ditch the kid stuff and go serious or separate the two atleast – ask yourself would you hire someone for whatever job with that profile “resume”



    Holy shit

    you know what?

    did i ask any of you fucks to look at me, or my work?..
    i know some of yall probibly beat off to my pictures but common man damn i didnt know i was THAT big a deal haha..

    thanks for the hating though i think its cute..

    So just sit behind the computer and type some more about me i like it 🙂 its really cute..

    and when i want someone that doesnt know shit about guns to tell me something about guns ill come to you for the advice..

    flying eyeball tattoo
    manax;47834 wrote:

    Holy shit

    you know what?

    did i ask any of you fucks to look at me, or my work?..
    i know some of yall probibly beat off to my pictures but common man damn i didnt know i was THAT big a deal haha..

    thanks for the hating though i think its cute..

    So just sit behind the computer and type some more about me i like it 🙂 its really cute..

    and when i want someone that doesnt know shit about guns to tell me something about guns ill come to you for the advice..

    I rest my case…


    Not hating, or anything like that man, but just for a reality check. I have been brought up with a firearm in my hand. My father taught me, and then the Marine Corps taught me more. Never once were we taught to hold a firearm sideways. I’m pretty sure that the USMC knows more about firearms than you do.

    Leave the thug life behind you, and you will go farther in life. I’ve been there. I moved 600 miles from where I grew up, and left it all behind me. Then joined the Corps. That was the only way for me to get away from that lifestyle. If I stayed, I would have been in the pen by now, and not been able to accomplish anything with my life.

    If you are serious about wanting to work in a shop, you will need to follow our advice. No reputable artist want a thug working for him/her, nor do theywant the thug buddies hanging out at the shop. Again, not trying to be an ass, but just trying to give a reality check. Take it for what it is worth.

    flying eyeball tattoo;47750 wrote:
    This kid’s got only 2 forseeable destinies. Prison or gang related death.

    Pffft, you’re assuming this Eminem looking, wanna be gangster mother fucker is actually legit. Frankly, I’ve seen guys like him a thousand damn times–swaggering their way down the street trying to look all hard, getting “up in the grills” of women and smaller, peaceful men, but confront them when they ain’t got their guns and they fucking fold, running off swearing about how them and their crew will be back to mess you up.

    They don’t ever come back though.

    In short, just look at him. He ain’t never been in a real, fight or die situation in his life, and most likely grew up middle class in a good neighborhood and this entire persona is a result of listening to far too many NWA albums.

    Douchebag said: wrote:
    did i ask any of you fucks to look at me, or my work?
    Douchebag wrote:
    Im gonna put a couple pictures of my work on here and can yall please give me your honest opinion good or bad i dont give a shit, just be honest so i should know if i should go forth in my venture of trying to make it in the shop or not.

    I know, it sucks when someone expects you to be an adult and actually listen to the crazy shit coming out of your own mouth ain’t it?

    Neil, Matthew, Eyeball, and Injun basically said everything else that needed to be. You’re still a child, man, and an ill tempered one at that. Unless you get your shit together, grow up, and realize that tattooing is a serious art form, the purest form of art for art’s sake, that serious men and women spend their entire lives and fortunes learning, you’re never going to be anything but what you are now: a pathetic scratcher, the bottom feeder of the tattoo world that makes the rest of us look bad.

    Also, learn some fucking punctuation and sentence structure, unless you enjoy completely destroying your creditability before anyone even has time to think about what you said.

    Love. Peace. Metallica.

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