
    Okay, so this week I’ve decided I’ll go ahead and and get the dragon done, and probably make it into a (half) sleeve. There are some questions I have on the issue, however, and I hope you guys (Matthew?) can shed at least some light on.

    So, before I get to the questions, this is the general concept of the tattoo:

    It is a near-photo-realistic tattoo of a western dragon. Western dragons are pretty mean and frightening in general, so I would like the face to convey strength and meanness.
    I don’t think I’d necessarily want it blowing flame, but I think some teeth need showing.
    The dragon would be somehow standing behind a Beveled Edge Shield, on which there would be ‘engraved’ the Icelandic flag.
    The shield would look like it’s curved, and that the flag’s lines are beveled or somehow three-dimensional on it, not just painted on.
    I see it maybe like the dragon is resting one or both front claws on the top of the shield, or maybe it even carries the shield AS a shield.. but then I guess the dragon would be more personified which is unnecessary.. and let’s face it, why would a dragon ever need a puny shield for defense 🙂
    The legs/back claws would be showing below/to the back of the shield, or if the shield were proportionately smaller it would be maybe knee-high off the ground. I’d want the shield to be one of the important elements of the piece (the dragon of course being the main one) so it should not get lost in the dragon. Both should be able to complement each other.
    The wings would of course be in the background, and if the tattoo should flow onto my torso/shoulder/back then that would be fine by me.
    I prefer black and gray, but the Icelandic flag DOES need some colors to work. So maybe I would choose to have the entire tattoo lightly colored, if that would work better. (I gather that people generally don’t like ‘color thrown into’ black and gray tattoos). Maybe some brown and green colors would be good for the dragon, or even make it somewhat blue’ish since dark blue is my favorite color.
    For a background I figure a dark night would be good. Some clouds and a moon, and some weird ambient lighting perhaps. Maybe the dragon would be standing on the top of a mountain, so all the background is a slightly cloudy night.

    The main thing is that I don’t want it ‘cartoony’. Ideally, it should look like it’s just a photograph taken of the actual beast, but I DO realize this is not a very easy request and I may need to relax the standard a bit to get the tattoo I want. This dragon by Boris Vallejo for instance looks pretty good, despite being obviously animated. If I could get Vallejo’s grade of animation done on me, I’d be very happy.

    Now the questions:

    1.) I’m thinking of putting it on my upper arm. Since my arms aren’t very large and pretty soft and flappy, (don’t worry, that ‘tattoo’ is a spray-on) I have to wonder if they can really carry the design. Maybe I wouldn’t close the sleeve all the way to the back, but if I have an entire dragon with wings on it’s back, even if they aren’t spread very far, will the tattoo end up being smaller and thus not able to carry details well?

    2.) If I get it on the arm, it basically bottoms out with the shield and the dragon’s claws… which are actually quite sharp and clear as ‘ends’ go. Not really much room for fading out. Should I choose to continue it later, how would you suggest I end it to make continuing easier? The Icelandic Coat of Arms has the shield standing on bedrock, so maybe that could be another way to end the tattoo.. having the dragon standing on a rock ledge or large boulder, which could then be faded into something else?

    3.) In your opinion, would the concept require a back to do it justice? Or would the thigh work, since it is quite a lot more canvas? (A plus to being heavy is that the legs need to carry more, so they aren’t as weak as the rest of me :)) The ribcage is a large open space, but it’s pretty decently bolstered and the tattoo would never last in the same shape because I’m trying to get the bolstering to go away 🙂

    4.) I know it’s a silly question, but is a thigh even a place you’d put such a tattoo. I don’t know what I mean myself really.. I just guess I’m hanging onto some notion that certain tattoos ‘should’ be on certain places on the body. Perhaps you more heavily tattooed and worldly people can help me with this conundrum? Do tattoo’s have ‘places’?

    5.) I can’t seem to find ANY good sources for well done western dragons, neither as tattoos or just general artwork. Seems the east really rules the tattoo industry. The two obvious places (deviantart and google) have turned my eyes to mush without a shred of help, so I was wondering if some of you had any good pics of western dragons that fit my genre and requirements stashed in your portfolios somewhere? The lone light in the dark seems to be Boris Vallejo’s artwork, which I really admire but he spends more details on the human body than I like.

    6.) What do you think of the concept as it is? Is it even tattoo material? Would you tattoo such a piece if you were asked to and possibly like it enough to put it in your portfolio? Are there things that you would have differently from my thoughts?

    7th and final question) I know most of you guys are busy with your own work, but would any of you have the ability and will to draw up the entire tattoo (for a price, of course) which I would then take to a tattoo artist locally since I am very far away from all of you 🙂 And please don’t just go “take it to your local artist” because I think many of them could probably DO the tattoo, but I’m not sure any but one of them could actually DESIGN it.


    I think your idea is great. I have a few Western Dragons in my flash, but you are correct. It is mostly dominated by Eastern Dragons. Here are the 3 best ones I have in my Flash.


    Using the rock for a base is in my opinion, a good idea, and perhaps a slightly cloudy moonlit night for a background in there.


    Hey thanks Injun, that idea is now stolen and implemented 😀

    Your last pic is somewhere in the general direction of my thinking, altough it’s still a tad too ‘toony’ for me. Or maybe it’s just that it’s positioned like a hungry cat waiting for it’s master to feed it 🙂

    The second one is a bit froggy and the topmost is all skinny and frail looking. I need mine to be strong. Kinda like the difference between Scar and Mufasa. (those that know what I mean, know what I mean ;))

    Thanks for the reply.


    I hear ya bud. I am taking a look at some of my sites I frequent to see if I can find something that might fit your liking a little better. Obviously none of them could be positioned with the shield how you described, but I may be able to locate something else for you, or if I can find the time perhaps sketch something up for you. If I do sketch something, I will just do a rough sketch slapping the ideas together, and upload to here, and see what you think, then it can go from there.


    well apparently im heavily tattooed so i will have a go at being wise 😀
    the more detail you want to put in to the tattoo the larger it will have to be !
    if it was just a dragon and no shield i would say go ahead with getting it done on your arm but seeing that you want the shield the thigh or back .
    it really depends on if you want people to see it , i personally would go for the back (unless you have a bigger detailed idea for your back )
    your idea sounds like a back tattoo & by having it in black and gray i would imagine that the dragon straight away look less cartoony and more realistic 😉

    try searching for fantasy dragons

    Butterfly_Kisses;47885 wrote:
    it really depends on if you want people to see it , i personally would go for the back (unless you have a bigger detailed idea for your back )

    Just a quick reply before work:

    I don’t mind people seeing my tattoos but I’m not actively designing my tattoos to be seen… what I mean by this, is that I am not necessarily thinking of making a sleeve just to have it peak below my shorter shirts and let everyone see it. Thinking about this now, since you asked, I might want the shield/flag to be low enough on an arm to be able to peak out from under a shirt. I am proud of being an Icelander and of my Viking heritage (despite us having crapped our pants in the financial sector and proving we can’t be trusted with even our own money) and I kinda like the idea of people seeing the bottom of the shield and thus the flag colors, along with some mean-assed claws 😉

    I had, however, just gotten the idea yesterday that it was time to start my sleeves and ran through my list of words and the dragon jumped at me (as it has every other week for several years) and sparked the idea in this thread.

    I have a rough idea of a phoenix tattoo that I’ll want done, but that is a bird in flames (rather traditional thought) in photo-realistic as well, so maybe that would be a better candidate for my arm. Seeing as there is no shield to disturb the details, and since it should be rising from a pit of lava or ashes or something and be entirely on fire, I can probably sacrifice a part of the greater details (less feathers, more fire) and thus make it arm-worthy. I had, somehow, started to see the phoenix as ‘the back piece’ but maybe I should switch them… or maybe I’ll just have to leave the shield alone for now, and make that into a separate arm piece, or part of the viking warrior that I may well get at some time.. assuming I’ll have any arm-space left after putting dragon on one arm and phoenix on the other…

    I don’t know.. I’ll see what a few others will think before I resort to any decision making.

    And I’ll definitely start looking for Fantasy Dragons tonight. That might well be a much better search term. You are indeed wise :p Thank you!



    This a brief reply as on a break at work.

    The piece would require a min of something thigh size to fit all the detail that you want in – reaslism tattoos requrie a lot of detail and bigger = better.

    A backpiece would be even better purely based on canvas size but a thigh would get it all without it looking cramped.

    I have a number of western dragon links somewhere in the mess I call my home office and I will def dive in later and give you a mroe detailed answer (if you want one still)

    Take Care


    Do you want the flag to have a flat draped appearance on the shield, or as if flapping in the wind?


    Day ran away from me, so just a run-through answer for now.

    Sherav: I wouldn’t mind seeing some more western dragons if they’re easy to find, but don’t go through any trouble to find it. I’ve lost hope that I’ll find a western dragon that fits my needs. I may just have to make one.

    Injun: The flag’s stripes would be carved into the shield. Imagine a wooden or metal shield where the flag’s stripes are either carved into or coming out of it and then painted. I never saw it as a flag draped over a shield… just the shield alone… if that makes sense? I’m extremely tired and can barely think straight.

    One question though before I drop to sleep. I live alone right now.. is it physically possible for me to take care of a new back-piece tattoo on my own?


    It would be nearly impossible for you to properly care for it. Got any good friends that would help you out? 😉

    Injun;48028 wrote:
    It would be nearly impossible for you to properly care for it. Got any good friends that would help you out? 😉

    Thought as much :S

    Non unless I take a week off work and drive the 300 miles to my hometown where my family is.

    Guess I won’t be doing a backpiece while I’m single then 🙁


    Some of the others here may be able to tell you of a way to do it, but to properly wash it a couple times a day for the first few days, and then to keep some form of ointment on it, would be pretty interesting. Perhaps Matthew or one of the others might.


    Hi Arni

    Sorry will get those links for the western dragon to you – got wrapped up in my studies last night.

    It is possible to care for a back tattoo single handed but to be honest it is real pain to do so and you need to buy several items and build a back wiper and be ultra careful.

    My advice is get yourself a partner and have em do it for you – even if it is a colleague it is only your back after all.

    Take Care


    I did find you a dragon that I think would fit your needs pretty well. It is still a little cartoony, but a good artist may be able to do what you want with it. You would just need to replace the orb in the picture with the shield. I am working on that for you. Will try to get you a sketch soon. What’s taking so long, is that I am trying to get a photoshop program where I can slap the 2 together. Here is the dragon as is, and I will try to work with it if you like.



    I did find you a dragon that I think would fit your needs pretty well. It is still a little cartoony, but a good artist may be able to do what you want with it. You would just need to replace the orb in the picture with the shield. I am working on that for you. Will try to get you a sketch soon. What’s taking so long, is that I am trying to get a photoshop program where I can slap the 2 together. Here is the dragon as is, and I will try to work with it if you like.


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