I am trying to design a gothic-type cross tattoo and I wanted to add my kid’s names somewhere in there. That’s the trouble. I can’t figure out where it would look good. I have 2 kids, so I’m trying to add 2 names. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
I don’t have the drawing anymore, but I designed a tribal a few years back for a friend that had here sons name in it. From a distance, all you could see was the cross, but when you were closer, you could see her sons name in it. Perhaps something like that with one name running horizontally across the arms, and the other name running vertically down the upright below the cross arm.
If you were to give us the names we could possibly tell you how it could work together.
Their names are Alexander Scott and Ryan Patrick. I will try to attach a drawing of design if I can figure out how. Thanks.
ok, i uploaded a picture of my design in my album. Thanks.
Well, the simplest solution would be to put a banner wrapping around the cross, but I’m assuming you have already thought of that, so that is probably out. The names are quite large to do as I was suggesting. Let me ponder on this. Perhaps one of the more seasoned peeps here can offer something up while I am thinking.
a cross with names is normally a memorial… !!
i looked at the design you posted, unfortunately this would have to be a massive big cross to get their names as you have , the problen is that the letters would be too small and close and after a short time would merge into an unreadable mess, you would be much better with a banner or a ribon flowing downwards and across diagnally
Yeah, I saw that most people put names with a cross along with “In memory of….”. I definitely don’t want it to look like a memorial since my children are still alive. That’s kinda creepy. That’s good advice about the letters being too close also, I didn’t think about that. Would I be able to get it on there a little better if I just went with “Alex” and “Ryan”? Thanks again!
To be honest I would go for something less death based for your kids.
I am not superstitious really but would feel uncomfortable having any tattoo that is closely linked to a in memory tat with my kid’s name on.
Just doesn’t sit well in the pit of my stomach.
Perhaps you could go for something which is more a shared positive image?
EG portraits or hand or foot prints with their name or a favourite pass time you all share?
Take Care
I’m glad I posted this in the forum. Thanks for everyone’s suggestions. I think I may still get the cross, but maybe find another more positive image to add my kid’s name with. You can never have too many right? Thanks again.
This is absolutely true.
I know I use this site a lot but it has just under 300 examples of crosses/crucifixes and some other great religious tattoos.
I know not all are brilliant but some real gems that might inspire your design.
Good luck and post up when you get something done.
Take Care
would praying hands with rosery beads and my strength and then your boys names under be less memorial ?
Thanks to everyone for the great suggestions. I really appreciate the help!
I don’t know if it’s just because I’m agnostic or what, but I view all religious symbols with names as mortality symbols. And I don’t think I’d want a constant reminder of the mortality of my children.
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