so just found the forum and im glad i have!!
so i best show you my only ink lol
had it 5 years its says amy if you can tell lol its allso a one off.
i had it done a year after my lil girl amy was born so it means alot to me.
im hopeing to get another one soon and ive got a thing for gasmasks (dont have one in real life just have a thing for pics)
so im thinking of haveing one done on my left shoulder..
anyway im 29 male and from uk
any good gasmask drawings or idears let me seeee
thats me
Welcome to the forum. I like the “AMY” you wouldn’t see it if you didn’t know to look for it.
i told the guy it was just the name amy and he hid it like this incase it was a wife or something and we split lol but i love it. its the magic tatoo i guess the one you will allways love the most
That is a nice design for a name.
When you say gas masks do you mean modern, WW1 WW2?
Or a specific country they all have varying types/styles.
Take Care
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